Sifup Employees Rally Together for Cristóbal Campos’ Blood Donation Drive

Cristóbal Campos had a regrettable traffic accident during the early hours of Monday on Route 78 while traveling towards Santiago. The San Antonio Unido footballer crashed into the highway’s barriers and then overturned his vehicle, a situation that resulted in the partial amputation of his right foot, which was reimplanted in the former Posta Central after a few hours..

Following the series of operations he has undergone, The family requested blood donors for the goalkeeperAmong those who responded to this call were the Sifup workers, who went to the Bupa Clinic in La Florida to carry out the action.

The idea of ​​donating blood to Cristóbal came from the union’s own workers. The entire union is deeply moved by what he is experiencing, so on behalf of all professional footballers we wanted to do our bit.“said Alfonso Canales, a lawyer for Sifup.

Another example of the commitment that the union has shown to Campos. Initially, they referred to the player’s situation through a message on the union’s official X account.

“We deeply regret the accident suffered by Cristóbal Campos. We are already in contact with the club to provide all the help that we, as a union, can offer. Cristóbal, your union and all the footballers of Chile will not leave you alone in your recovery,” they wrote.

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Later, Luis Marín, in his role as secretary of the Professional Footballers’ Union, accompanied the footballer’s family from the moment of hospitalization.We are accompanying Cristóbal’s family and supporting them in whatever they need. These are very difficult times, but we must be united. I have known Cristóbal for many years and I know of his strength. I have no doubt that he will be fine.“, said the former World Cup player, who learned of the accident at the Panama airport while he was on a stopover to attend the Fifpro America congress, which is taking place in Mexico. He immediately returned to Chile, suspending all his activities.

“We are not going to leave Cristóbal alone. As a union, we are committed to being with him throughout the process that lies ahead. We have been supporting the family since yesterday, because Cristóbal cannot receive visitors. But we are trying to provide support to their environment and give them what they need at this time.“, hill.

For his part, Gamadiel García, President of Sifup, commented that there is already experience in similar cases. “Everything depends a lot on which insurance is associated, but as all the workers of our country know, it will allow him, according to the projection, a calculation, that will allow him to have a pension until he is 65 years old. That is what we have done with other footballers who have had some problem, accident like the case of Pablo Otárola where we do all the necessary procedures. We have an expert to work in that area. We activate all the people who work in the corresponding areas so that we can best assist the footballer and the family.“, he explained.

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“We have already contacted his family. Luis Marín had a lot of contact, very frequently, with the footballer. We also contacted the president of the club, very early in the morning. We have made contacts to find out how he is, where he is and to try to assist and support as much as possible.“, adds the union leader who, by the way, assures that he will also have psychological help. García highlights Campos’ permanent involvement in the activities of his organization. “Cristóbal participated a lot, he had a very close contact with our director Luis Marín. They are goalkeepers. Generally they had meetings to help from third parties, the typical greetings for the people. When Cristóbal was at the U he was a delegate. He was always collaborating and attentive to what we were developing as a union.“, he said.



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