Sierre celebrates a first success at home

Sierre reacted well after a very disappointing performance the day before in Thurgau (2-0), during the first day. Without being dominating, far from having succeeded in the perfect match either, he nevertheless beat one of the big outsiders in the league (5-4).

Goalkeepers make the difference

At first, Sierre took advantage of the hesitations of the two Neuchâtel goalkeepers, Viktor Ostlund having given way to Hugo Cervino after 20 minutes. The first conceded two somewhat easy goals, at least. While the second did not close his angle on the fourth Sierre success, the puck spinning between his pad and the near post.

Then what, the goalkeeper from lime-de-fonnier did not have much to intervene. The Valaisans were more timid offensively during the last two thirds.

Sierre held on

At the end of the match, when La Chaux-de-Fonds had come back to one goal and was pressing very hard on the Valais goal, Sierre had the merit of holding on thanks, again, to the interventions of their goalkeeper, Remo Giovannini . The fact remains that these three points are good at the start of the season.

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