Sick of “lung cancer” or “tuberculosis”. Just an annual X-ray is not enough. See you again, may spread

at present found “lung cancer” is one of the cancers that are common in both men and women which may be caused by various behaviors that harms health both consciously and unconsciously, such as smoking, polluting the environment In addition, screening for disease in the early stages is difficult. causing a high mortality rate but can be cured If detected early and treated early

for disease “lung cancer” Caused by abnormally fast growth of lung epithelial cells until unable to control and eventually formed a malignant tumor. The tumor can progress and spread to other organs, most of which are asymptomatic in the early stages. Before the patient is aware, they are often in a severe disease stage. Currently, the cause of lung cancer is not clearly identified. But there are factors that increase the risk of disease, including:


whether it is a smoker and those close to them who are exposed to cigarette smoke also known as “Secondhand smoke”. Smoking is the main factor 80-90% because cigarettes are full of carcinogens. When smoke is inhaled, these substances directly damage the tissues in the lungs, causing cell damage. and eventually lead to cancer People who smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years had an 8–20 times increased risk of lung cancer.

Toxins and pollution in the environment

  • Asbestos, or asbestos, is used in the building materials industry. (roof tiles flat tile, ceiling), cement pipe manufacturing industry Vinyl rubber floor tiles, brake linings, insulation and textile industry Asbestos is a substance that can cause lung cancer. People who work in factories that use asbestos are seven times more likely to develop lung cancer than normal people.
  • Radon Gas is a radioactive gas produced by the decay of radium or uranium. Found in buildings or structures that often contain radium-contaminated soil, rock, or sand.
  • Other chemicals, such as arsenic, and coal, that patients often get from industrial occupations or toxins from the pollution from the exhaust pipes of vehicles
  • PM 2.5 dust or tiny dust particles with a molecular size of only 2.5 microns that cannot be seen by the naked eye. PM 2.5 dust increases the risk of lung cancer up to 1–1.4 times. When PM dust 2.5 into the lungs to cause inflammation and has a genetic mutation which can cause lung cancer
  • getting older organs including cells In the body will work more deterioration. by those who are most at risk of lung cancer Will be in the age range of about 55 years and over, especially those who smoke.
  • Genetic if there is a family history of lung cancer will have an increased risk of lung cancer

However, if you are in the aforementioned risk group should undergo lung cancer screening and keep a regular physical examination regularly

How many types of “lung cancer” are there?

For lung cancer, there are two main types, depending on the type of cell. which can be diagnosed by taking a biopsy for a pathological examination Each type of lung cancer has its own treatment. and different prognosis

1. non-small cell lung cancer It is the more common type of lung cancer. Can be divided into several types of cells, such as adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, which cell types have a slightly different treatment approach.

2. small cell lung cancer It is a less common type of lung cancer. But it’s the type that responds well to chemotherapy and radiation.

Symptoms of “lung cancer”

most lung cancer Usually there are no symptoms in the early stages. But there will be signs that indicate disease progression as more cancerous growths occur. And the symptoms will vary depending on the location of the lump. The symptoms that can be found include:

  • Chronic cough 50-75%
  • Cough with bloody sputum Cough with fresh blood 25-50%
  • Tiredness, difficulty breathing 25%
  • Chest pain 20%
  • Loss of appetite, weight loss for no apparent reason
  • abnormally noisy breathing
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for these symptoms found in other diseases But if you have any of these symptoms, you should consult your doctor. to receive a proper examination and diagnosis

Compare “lung cancer” with “tuberculosis”.

coughing with blood It is a symptom of lung cancer, which can also be seen in TB patients. which tuberculosis patients Often has a chronic cough, coughing up blood. In addition, patients with both diseases often have symptoms of fatigue, causing separation.lung cancerAnd tuberculosis is difficult to distinguish from such symptoms. Therefore, if you have a chronic cough with blood in it, it is advisable to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment planning.

lung cancer diagnosis

lung cancer diagnosis The diagnosis must be confirmed by biopsy. which biopsy can take place We need to detect any abnormal lumps in the lungs first. If we detect abnormal lumps in the early stages Surgical treatment of early lung cancer can be completely cured.

For a lung x-ray, it may not be a good screening method for lung cancer because an x-ray of the lungs can detect abnormalities. It is usually a rather large lump. or has already spread making it unable to be treated by surgery to be completely cured The recommended screening test is a low-dose CT lung scan, which uses a low dose of radiation. and uses a technique to collect 3D images with a much higher resolution than conventional X-rays making it possible to detect any abnormalities within the lungs from the beginning

Currently, the United States recommends using this method. It is the standard for lung cancer screening. This will be the most beneficial in the group of patients at risk, that is, aged over 55 years, with a history of smoking more than 30 pack years (pack years = number of cigarettes smoked in 1 day x number of years smoking) and quit smoking. over 15 years, even without any abnormal symptoms

However Lung cancer can be cured. If detected early Screening is therefore important. If you have symptoms or your doctor suspects lung cancer Your doctor may consider additional tests, including:

  • computed tomography scan (CT scan)
  • Nuclear medicine (positron emission tomography scan: PET scan)
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • bronchopulmonary endoscopy (bronchoscopy)
  • Biopsy to check the type of cancer (biopsy)

how to treat lung cancer

when diagnosed with lung cancer Treatment will depend on type of cancer cancer stage and strength of the patient The current treatment options are much more modern. both surgery Chemotherapy (chemotherapy) radiation therapy (radiotherapy) and the use of specific drugs (targeted therapy), which the doctor decides with the patient and family. to select a treatment that is suitable for each patient

tell all You probably already know that the major cause of lung cancer is smoking, as well as the increasing number of toxins and pollution these days. Therefore, the best prevention is to refrain from smoking. or avoid exposure to secondhand smoke and the important thing is Regular annual lung health screening It will help detect and treat cancer at an early stage. And patients have a chance to recover from lung cancer. Reduce the mortality rate as well.

Author : Kanok, Health Spokesperson

Graphic: CHONTICHA PINIJROB, Anon Chantanant

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