Sick dog flown to the mainland by private plane

It began on the night of Saturday.

Anja Nowak’s ten-week-old labrador puppy Mona got sick and threw up.

Anja Nowak, who lives in Germany and was in a summer house on Læsø, initially experienced that there was an improvement – but early at five o’clock on Saturday morning Mona started vomiting again.

– It got worse and worse from minute to minute, says Anja Nowak.

It quickly became clear that the veterinarian associated with Læsø was not on the island.

Something else had to be done.

An early call

Then it was that Mona’s breeder, Luise Rasmussen, became involved in the case.

– It happens that Anja calls me early in the morning and says that she is afraid that Mona is seriously ill, says Luise Rasmussen, who lives on the mainland in Øster Hurup and finds a clinic in Aalborg that can take against on a Saturday.

The plan is for Mona to take the ferry at 9.40, but she gets worse, and Luise Rasmussen instead tries to make contact with some contacts on Læsø.

Normally, traffic to Læsø takes place via the ferry to Frederikshavn. But the sick puppy couldn’t quite wait for that. So an alternative had to be thought of.
Archive photo: Jacob Nymann Jensen

– My first thought is to find someone who can put drips on the puppy so that it does not dehydrate while it is waiting for the vet. It was a long shot, says Luise Rasmussen, who is also trying to find out through networks whether there is a vet who happens to be on the island.

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2024-05-02 17:43:14
#Sick #dog #flown #mainland #private #plane

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