Si Tong the Violent Cat: A Look into the World of Unpredictable Feline Personalities

2023-09-12 03:30:00

▲The white tabby cat “Si Tong” suddenly stretched out its claws and suppressed the slave’s hand. (Photo/Provided by owner Mr. Li, the same below)

Reporter Lu Xinlu/Interview report

Don’t mess with cats casually! Si Tong, a white tabby cat living in Hong Kong, is usually violent and unpredictable. Unexpectedly, it suddenly stretched out its sharp paws and put its paw on the hand of its owner, Mr. Li, as if it was ready at any time. It looked like it was about to go crazy, and it looked so scary that the owner couldn’t help but beg for mercy, “I’m sorry, I was wrong, please retract your claws…”.

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▲Sitong: Try touching my butt again!

As you can see from the photo, Si Tu was lying on his side on the cat bed. The owner suddenly stretched out his hand to rub the cat’s butt. The next second, the cat suddenly looked solemn, showing off its “cat claw weapon” and preparing to attack. Underneath the harmless appearance, there was something hidden. Fiery personality. In an interview with “ETtoday Pet Cloud”, Mr. Li said that when he saw the sexy butt in the four tubes, he rubbed it hard, but was scratched by the cat. “But when it took action, I also clicked until it stopped, so I didn’t be attacked.”

▲▼Si Tong has a violent personality and often goes berserk.

Si Tong, who is currently 1 year old, has another cat brother “Liu Tong”. Mr. Li adopted both siblings at the same time to give them a warm home so they would no longer be alone. Mr. Li mentioned that Si Tong and Liu Tong have very different personalities. Si Tong likes to run wild, while Liu Tong has a quieter personality and often sleeps with him. “So when Si Tong stretched out his claws, I felt Once the flesh on the back of your hand starts to hurt, you’ll know it’s serious!”

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▲▼Si Tong and his cat brother “Liu Tong” were adopted together and are no longer alone.

After the photo was shared on Facebook, netizens commented, “Is an apology useful?”, “Mummy: It’s too late!”, “Let’s see if you dare to make a mistake next time”, “If an apology is useful, why do you want Meow to come?” , “It turns out that this is how the mangosteen looks when opened”, “How can you take it back when its claws are exposed? You have to see blood flowing like a river”, “Its face is very innocent and harmless.”

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