Shower proof or locker key…doctor says stop ‘unreasonable’ medical certificates

Shower proof or locker key…doctor says stop ‘unreasonable’ medical certificates

2024-08-27 15:46:06

Leisure centers are asking for medical certificates to justify your child’s absence, insurance companies are asking for detailed and illegal medical information to cancel trips… Faced with a surge in medical certificates and a shortage of doctors, the College of General Practitioners (CMG) will A campaign was launched on Tuesday against “unreasonable”, “illegal” or “ridiculous” medical certificates that “waste” medical time.

Through the operation, dubbed “Purple September,” the central government hopes to “appeal to public opinion and public authorities” to eliminate the many “hogging doctors’ qualifications and for other reasons,” he wrote in “Purple September.” affecting their availability” certificates. Press release.

“illegal”, “unfounded” or “ridiculous”

The CMG has brought together trade unions and academic groups to condemn “category three” unjustified certificates. Some of them, he pleads, are “illegal” and must “stop”, such as “insurance companies regularly requesting detailed medical information about disability, death or trip cancellations”.

Others, he continued, “had no legal basis”, including “sports certificates for clubs not affiliated with the federation”, “certificates for absence from school canteens, day care centers” or “certificates for daily care in nurseries”. Patients asked it to “replace showers in social housing and have locker keys at universities”, further criticizing the CMG and calling on elected officials and institutions to change behaviour.

Finally, he argued that certain certificates were legally valid but “ridiculous” and called for reforms, in particular allowing “self-declaration of short-term sick leave and absence of sick children”.

GPs raise awareness

CMG believes that reducing the number of certificates will improve access to care. “One ridiculous consultation per day with 60,000 GPs (…) means a daily saving of 1 million euros in health insurance costs,” he assured. The CMG is calling on GPs to support the campaign by displaying the visuals available on its website in their waiting rooms. It provides them with a letter generator that can “reject” “ridiculous” requests from nurseries, schools, sports clubs, insurance companies or other institutions.

The Academy will send various letters to representatives, the French Association of Mayors, representatives of insurance companies, rectories or relevant ministries. Removal of unnecessary medical certificates is a recurring request from doctors. In a report in May, the Court of Auditors recommended “exploring” the option of a self-declared short-term shutdown, which has been implemented in several countries such as the UK that face doctor shortages.

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