Should we follow the Spanish example regarding menstrual leave?



Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

F. Mathieux, M. Arribe, J. Raclet, A. Dupont, N. Bensmail, J.-P. Duntze, C. Apiou

France 3

France Televisions

The Spanish Parliament has just adopted, Friday, February 17, a law which establishes a sick leave for women suffering from painful periods. Should France follow the Spanish example?

Absence from work due to painful periods, the subject is still taboo in most French companies. However, in the district of La Défense in Paris, the subject does don’t really debate. “I know a lot of women who also have endometriosis and it’s really complicated things for them”comments a man. “When it’s medical and there’s a reason, we’re too bad, we work badly too, so it’s not great for the team and productivity”continues a woman.

The French labor code allows it

In France, this is not enshrined in law but the labor code allows companies wishing to do so to introduce it. Since near one year, women, cabinetmakers in a furniture manufacturer, are entitled to an additional day off each month. Four of the company’s nine women have used it for extreme fatigue or dizziness. Ten days were set in total, which “has in no way interfered with production, the pace of work, or productivity”assure Thomas GuessersCEO of Louis Design.

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