should we be worried about this new sub-variant of Omicron?

And it starts once more. While we thought to end the pandemic with BA.5, the virus still surprises us with a new variant. Named “XBB”, this new strain of the Omicron variant is regarding to spread to Europeaccording to some scientists.

Discovered in Singapore in September 2022, the new variant would represent “5% of the samples sequenced” in Australia, informs Antoine Flahault, epidemiologist and director of the Institute for Global Health at the Faculty of Medicine in Geneva, at the microphone of The Midi Dispatch.

According to the epidemiologist, it would have the ability to infect the organism more easily, and would be “to date one of the known variants of SARS-CoV-2 that best evades acquired or vaccine immunity.”

XBB, an acquired immunity resistant subvariant

This is no longer a scoop: Covid-19 is mutating, and will continue to mutate. For the Omicron variant alone, scientists have identified no less than 300 different strains. Et the XBB sub-variant would in fact “derived from a combination of two sub-lineages of Omicron”explains to The Dispatch from the South Professor Antoine Flahault.

On the way to becoming the majority in Singapore, XBB would also be responsible for many cases of contamination in Australia, but also in Denmark, India, Japan and the United States, reveals the Singaporean Ministry of Health, whose remarks were relayed by Mothership.

And if this sub-variant is scrutinized closely, it is…

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