Shorten life by years: 10 food habits that you should give up right now

There is such a short film – “Awfully slow killer with an extremely ineffective weapon.” There are only two characters in it: in fact, the killer and his victim. The killer’s weapon is really not the most effective – an ordinary spoon. With it in hand, the killer pursues the victim and beats him when he gets close. This goes on for weeks.

We embody a similar scenario in our own lives, acting in one person as both a killer and a victim. And the tool does not change – a spoon in his hands.

What we eat really has a big impact on our health and quality of life. We’ve rounded up the 10 worst eating habits that ruin both.

1. You are on a keto diet.

Thanks to this diet high in protein and fat, you can actually lose weight quite well. However, in the long run, such a diet can harm: judging by the results of a study published in the journal Cell Metabolism, a high-protein diet, in which most of the protein of animal origin, can harm health no less than smoking. Researchers say that if a person receives 20 percent or more of their daily calories from animal protein, then they have an increased risk of developing cancer, diabetes and early death. And significantly: meat-eaters died of cancer four times more often than people restrained in relation to animal proteins.

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