Short trial live: Blümel in the witness stand

The former turquoise finance minister Gernot Blümel was invited on Thursday as the last prominent witness from (then) politics in the trial against ex-Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) for making false statements in the Ibiza investigative committee.

Blümel was, among other things, a negotiator for the turquoise-blue government. It is intended to provide information about the influence Kurz actually had on staffing at the state holding company ÖBAG, among others.

Contradictory statements

Kurz – like his former head of cabinet Bernhard Bonelli – is accused by the Economic and Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (WKStA) of downplaying his role in filling positions for the ÖBAG supervisory board, for example. The ex-Chancellor’s statements contradict those of the state holding company’s former board member, Thomas Schmid, who was also invited as a witness. Schmid stated that Blümel was the first point of contact for ÖBAG.


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