Shops are open today, Sunday 2024-07-19 03:36:00

The stores have the possibility to remain -optionally- open tomorrow, as it is the first Sunday following the start of the sales, keeping the proposed opening hours of 11:00 to 18:00 for the stores and 11:00 to 20:00 for the department stores, large stores and shopping centers.

According to estimates, the goal of the retail trade for this summer is for the total turnover of July and August to move above last year’s threshold of 7 billion euros, while the goal of the Ministry of Development is, in general, the orderly operation of the market and the protection of consumer. That is why the order has already been given to intensify controls and as the responsible minister Takis Theodorikakos has stated: “The informed consumer has power. He can compare prices and buy products where he likes. That’s the only way competition works and we manage to keep prices down… and I want everyone to know that misleading discounts obviously cannot be accepted. There is electronic control through a platform that works in collaboration with the EU. for products available through e-shops, but also DIMEA’s checks in these days and weeks, which will be intensified. And the fines in these cases are very heavy and reach 3 million euros in cases of recurrence”.

More generally, however, the political leadership of the Ministry of Development, in the context of changing the productive model of our economy, attaches great importance to the proper functioning of competition.

It is noted that Mr. Theodorikakos, regarding the issues of the market and prices, has pointed out that “the Ministry of Development is mainly related to dealing with the inflation of food and basic living items. Energy prices, which are a very serious part of the cost of living, do not belong to the Ministry of Development, the prices of ship tickets do not belong to the Ministry of Development, as do another series of issues – in general, increasing the disposable income of citizens is an issue overall policy”. In this context, the Ministry of Development strengthens the operation of the two independent authorities it supervises. The Competition Commission and the Consumer Advocate, while the aim is to strengthen the role of consumer organizations in the market.

It is recalled that it is a perennial challenge to control the proper functioning of the markets so that conditions of an oligopolistic structure are not created and in the current situation inflation puts this issue back on the table so the Ministry of Development is asking the Competition Commission to increase its presence in the market and speed up her judgments.

It is noted that according to the data from the latest GSEVEE report, 9 out of 10 small and very small businesses believe that in the Greek economy there are oligopolies that control a large part of the market and shape prices. Furthermore, more than 8 out of 10 small and micro-enterprises believe that policies to date do not contribute to promoting healthy competition and avoiding unfair oligopolistic practices.

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#Shops #open #today #Sunday



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