Shooting on Interstate 4 in Orlando leaves one person injured | Videos | Univision Orlando WVEN

supposed to be able to sedatequietly to work. ofanyway can never go tospeeding. there itthey have if they want to take theinterstate 4 can do it tothis hour. a person turned outinterstate highway 4.Police reports indicate thatthe victim had received theshots fired from another vehiclemovement. Edwin Iaz Gonalezfound very early inthe scene of this incident withace informationedwin: a person receives ashot, and see your vehicle andanother person in a vehiclemovement shot him severaltimes and the person resultedinjured but did not die. she stoppedto one side of theinterstate 4 headingwest, exited the vehicle andI also shoot. the person wastransferred to the educational centerorlando regional and is expectedthat survive However thetransit here was closedfor several hours until recentlythe transit was closed toleast in 3 lanes inwestbound. only twolanes available in thataddress and until amoment has been enabled. aaround 5:50 a.m. for what?people can walk throughthat went without complications. untilthat moment they wereinvestigating the bodypolice and firefighters andthere was heavy traffic becausethey were in three lanesprevented from investigating,collecting evidence of whatit happened this wednesdayaround midnight.the person who shot themand it has been identifiedperson who was injured.edwin: the person who madethe shots are in processinvestigation, your identity andhis whereregardings. it happened a few years agohours, fortunately, theinjured person parked andeven with the wounds he shot theanother who undertook the flight of thescene of the event. Eastunfortunate event ininterstate 4 come to meback.Andreina: the conditions of theperson who was injurededwin: receipt of several shots,authorities have said that



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