Shocking video: two Quebec teenagers make a 3-year-old child vape

2023-08-20 16:35:01

A new video of teenage girls introducing a three-year-old girl to vaping is circulating on social media, sparking outrage and anger across the province.

The disturbing scene occurred on August 10 in Bellechasse, in the Chaudière-Appalaches region.

The sequence was filmed on the instant messaging application Snapchat.

According to information from TVA Nouvelles, the video shows two teenage girls, aged 13 and 14, vaping a young child of only three years old.

Surrounded by notebooks and colored pencils, the young girl with still chubby hands is kneeling on what seems to be a counter when a hand appears in the field which hands a vaporizer to the child.

You can hear her inhale, then see her spit out a cloud of smoke, which is immediately followed by a fit of coughing which, it seems, makes one of the teenagers laugh.

“Okay, that’s enough, that’s enough!” We immediately hear the other teenager chanting, while the child continues to cough. “That’s enough, okay!” she said again.

The video sequence has revived the debate on the accessibility of vaping products.

Remember that on October 31, the sale of vaping products with a flavor or aroma other than tobacco will be prohibited in Quebec under a new regulation.

The problem, however, remains integral with regard to the issues raised by this video: how, in fact, do teenagers end up in possession of vaping products when the law provides that the legal age to purchase such produced in Quebec is 18 years old.

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According to a recent study by the Quebec survey on tobacco, alcohol, drugs and gambling among high school students, the proportion of young Quebecers who have vaped quadrupled between 2013 and 2019, rising from 4% to 21%. in six years.

Several citizens interviewed by TVA Nouvelles criticized the excessive accessibility of vaping products.

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“It’s too easy to get to. As for me, I have a teenager, then you can get some where you want, when you want”, deplores a mother who wonders if the Internet would not be a preferred route for young people to obtain these products. .

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“It’s way too accessible. Often we hear stories in high school, young people ask older people to go buy some for them, ”pointed out a citizen.

This story comes five months after the video of a teenager from the Laurentians filming herself vaping a baby outraged the province.

The minor had justified her gesture by explaining that she had “nothing to do”.

Posted on social networks, the extract caused a real outcry.

No charges have been brought in this case to date.

A similar story similarly shocked Australia last March, when media reported that a mother had forced her baby to vape.

However, the dangers associated with vaping are very real.

The Daily Mail, for example, reported last June that in the last 12 months, 15 children aged nine or under had to be admitted to hospital in the UK.

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