Shocking Testimony of a US Doctor: “Every Day in Gaza I Saw a … – ticino politica

An American doctor who has just returned from Gaza has given shocking testimony about the dramatic situation he observed in the Gaza Strip. During his stay in the area, he said he saw wounded children on a daily basis, many of them shot in the head.

According to the doctor, who preferred to remain anonymous for security reasons, conditions in Gaza are extreme and civilian casualties, especially children, are numerous. He described scenes of great suffering, with hospitals overwhelmed and health workers struggling to handle the huge influx of wounded. Head injuries, according to his testimony, have become a common sight, raising questions about the nature and intensity of the ongoing conflict.

The doctor’s testimony sparked outrage and brought international attention to the humanitarian crisis affecting Gaza. His words paint a bleak picture of life under siege, with a population suffering the consequences of an endless conflict on a daily basis.

The statements come at a time of renewed tension in the region, with growing calls from international organizations for a ceasefire and for the protection of civilians, especially the most vulnerable, such as children.



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