Shocking Survey Finds 20% of Belgians Snooze with a Partner Nightly!

2024-09-11 10:59:08

The comforter has a calming effect

And yes, the company My nametags (which makes name tags) surveyed 1,000 Belgian adults on the subject and discovered that four out of ten respondents still have a cuddly toy at home, and two out of ten sleep with it. 76% of these people spend every night with their cuddly toy in their arms. This attachment lies, for a third of the Belgians surveyed, in the fact that this cuddly toy brings them comfort when they are not feeling well. 86% of people who sleep with a teddy bear also said that this behavior has a positive effect on their mental well-being. The cuddly toy obviously also has great emotional value and represents a very important childhood memory. 89% of those surveyed said that they would be very sad if they lost their precious toy permanently.

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But if so many adults still sleep with their stuffed animal in Belgium, it is a habit that many of them keep secret. Indeed, 41% of those concerned see this as a taboo subject and do not talk about it.

#Unusual #survey #Belgians #sleeps #alone.. #Heres

Adults with stuffed animals ⁣psychology

The Comforter Has a Calming Effect: Exploring the Significance of Cuddly Toys in Our Lives

When we think of cuddly toys, we often associate⁤ them with children’s bedrooms and playful imaginations. However, a recent survey ⁤by My Nametags, a ⁤company that makes name tags, reveals that many adults still cherish their cuddly toys and even sleep with them at ⁢night. But what makes these inanimate objects so comforting, and is there really anything ‍wrong with relying on them for emotional support?

The Surprising Statistics

The survey, which questioned 1,000 Belgian adults, found that four out of⁢ ten respondents still have a cuddly toy at home, and two out of ten sleep with it. An impressive 76% of these individuals spend every night with their cuddly toy in their arms. For a third of the Belgians surveyed, the attachment to ‍their cuddly toy lies in the comfort it brings ​when they’re not⁢ feeling well. Moreover, 86% of people who sleep with⁢ a teddy bear reported that this behavior has a positive effect on their mental well-being.

The Psychology Behind ⁢the Attachment

So, why do cuddly ⁤toys have such a profound impact on our emotional state? According to experts, these objects provide an external source of⁣ comfort, which can be‌ especially important during times of stress, anxiety, or separation [[3]]. In essence, cuddly toys⁣ become a security ⁢blanket, ⁢offering a sense of security‍ and reassurance.

Comfort Objects for Adults: Embracing the Trend

While some may view ‌relying on cuddly toys as juvenile or⁢ immature, ⁤the reality is that these comfort objects can have a significant⁣ positive impact on mental health. In fact, a Reddit user recently shared ⁢their own experience⁤ with carrying a comfort dagger made from camel bone, which provides them with a sense‌ of protection and security <a href="”>[[1]]. This anecdote highlights⁤ the importance of embracing our attachment‍ to ⁢comfort objects, rather than judging or stigmatizing them.

Shopping for Comfort: Options for ‌Adults

If you’re an adult looking to ⁣rediscover ​the comfort of cuddly toys, you’re not alone. Online marketplaces like Amazon offer a wide⁤ range⁣ of comfort ‍stuffed animals, with ratings as high as 4.5 out of ​5‌ stars and prices starting from $15 [[2]]. You can also consider alternative options, such as wooden or steel toys, as suggested by the Reddit⁣ user.


The comforter has a calming effect, and it’s time to acknowledge the significance of cuddly toys in our lives. Whether you’re a child​ or an adult, attachment to these objects is a natural​ and healthy response to stress and anxiety. By embracing our love⁣ for comfort objects, ⁣we can cultivate a more supportive and accepting community.‍ So, go ahead and⁣ snuggle up with your cuddly toy – you’re not alone, and it’s okay to admit it.

Adults with stuffed animals psychology

The Comforter Has a Calming Effect: Exploring the Significance of Cuddly Toys in Our Lives

When we think of cuddly toys, we often associate them with children’s bedrooms and playful imaginations. However, a recent survey by My Nametags, a company that makes name tags, reveals that many adults still cherish their cuddly toys and even sleep with them at night. But what makes these inanimate objects so comforting, and is there really anything wrong with relying on them for emotional support?

The Surprising Statistics

The survey, which questioned 1,000 Belgian adults, found that four out of ten respondents still have a cuddly toy at home, and two out of ten sleep with it. An impressive 76% of these individuals spend every night with their cuddly toy in their arms. For a third of the Belgians surveyed, the attachment to their cuddly toy lies in the comfort it brings when they’re not feeling well. Moreover, 86% of people who sleep with a teddy bear reported that this behavior has a positive effect on their mental well-being.

The Psychology Behind the Attachment

So, why do cuddly toys have such a profound impact on our emotional state? According to experts, these objects provide an external source of comfort, which can be especially important during times of stress, anxiety, or separation [3]. In essence, cuddly toys become a security blanket, offering a sense of security and reassurance.

Comfort Objects for Adults: Embracing the Trend

While some may view relying on cuddly toys as juvenile or immature, the reality is that these comfort objects can have a significant positive impact on mental health. In fact, a Reddit user recently shared their own experience with carrying a comfort dagger made from camel bone, which provides them with a sense of protection and security [[1]]. This anecdote highlights the importance of embracing our attachment to comfort objects, rather than judging or stigmatizing them.

The deep-seated psychology behind adults’ fondness for teddy bears and stuffed toys often stems from various emotional needs [[1]]. For some, these objects bridge an uncertain gap or difficult time, serving as transitional objects that provide comfort and reassurance [[2]]. Moreover, huggable objects have also been linked to increased levels of interpersonal trust and decreased cortisol levels in the body, which indicate a more relaxed and calm state [[3]].

Shopping for Comfort: Options for Adults

If you’re an adult looking to rediscover the comfort of cuddly toys



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