Shocking scenes in the church. Rutkowski showed up with an escort. The celebrity detective stood at the pulpit

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Shocking scenes took place in the church of St. Stanislaus Kostka in Aleksandrów Łódzki. Krzysztof Rutkowski, along with a large, armed guard, appeared at the church to bless his fleet of cars, and also… stood at the pulpit. The story of the priest who allowed this to happen explains a lot.

“I would send the priest who allowed Rutkowski to speak in church and allowed a nativity scene in the temple on a good, long retreat in silence and order him to do public penance,” wrote Fr. Daniel Wachowiak on the X portal, commenting on the scenes that took place in the church in Aleksandrów Łódzki.

In connection with the feast day of St. Christopher, the patron saint of drivers, which fell a few days earlier (Thursday, July 25), Krzysztof Rutkowski decided to dedicate his fleet of a dozen or so cars. With such belongings, he appeared at the church along with a huge escort.

In addition to the celebrity detective, members of the Rutkowski Patrol also appeared in the temple. In full “uniforms” and with weapons in their hands, they looked as if they were going into action. The event was also attended by former boxer Marcin Najman, with his wife Julita.

As if Rutkowski’s visit to the church with a large security detail and the display of a dozen or so cars were not embarrassing enough, to make matters worse, the detective appeared at the pulpit. Such events were allowed by Fr. Jacek Stasiak, who was suspended 11 years ago and currently cooperates with the Old Catholic Church in Poland.

It turns out that Father Stasiak is well known to Rutkowski. It was he who gave the first Holy Communion to the celebrity detective’s son, and also led the ceremony of renewing Krzysztof’s marriage vows with his wife Maja. On the last Sunday of July, he blessed a dozen or so shiny cars belonging to the controversial detective.

“However, the situation is on a par with another schismatic – a Polish Catholic priest, who donates a contribution to the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity and makes a show of it. Then the media sings with delight,” says Fr. Wachowiak.



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