Shocking Incident Unfolds in Kaunas: Clean-Up Crew Caught in Disturbing Act on Private Land

To 15min asked Andrius, a resident of Domeikava, offering to see how “Kaunas švara” cleans the environment.

“It arrived. Got out. He urinated even three times and it’s like he didn’t go anywhere… Action in Domeikava, a suburb of Kaunas. Children play in that area, it’s not a forest. Just wow!”, the reader wondered.

According to him, small children live behind the thuja, and the place where the company’s employees decided to relieve themselves is a private yard.

Issued a public apology

15min turned to “Kaunas švara” for a comment, it promised to respond soon, but in the end it first made the apology public on its Facebook account, and only an hour later shared the link with the editorial staff.

“No, it’s not gardening. FAR BEAUTIFUL. Unfortunately, this is definitely not about watering plants. To put it mildly, we would call the situation “nature’s call”. True, completely out of time and very out of place.

We admit, the situation is shameful. The members of the trio in the photo humbly agree with this.

We received information about such inappropriate behavior of employees immediately after the incident. “Heroes” have already written explanations and received disciplinary sanctions. They regret such hasty and thoughtless behavior and apologize to both the residents and the company’s colleagues,” the company’s public apology reads.

Will not negotiate anymore

“Kaunos švara” assures that it has apologized to its customers and offered to eliminate the damage in all possible ways. However, this was apparently not enough.

“Along with this shot from Domeikava, we also received an unequivocal offer. We quote (the language has not been corrected): “We discussed with the community and we will not wait for “watering down”, but a real material apology. Three big ones – they would buy 3 new beautiful benches… Or they wouldn’t mix the triple swing here… Maybe you can do something if you dream about it… Is your reputation working for you? If we don’t get any tangible moral compensation – we will send to the media how clean YOU are! I will wait for your response (No apologies). All portals would be happy to post this photo.”

Photo of Kaunas Švaros/Employees of Kaunas Švaros/Associative photo.

Since the author of the letter immediately addressed the media without waiting for the company’s response, we consider the potential negotiations proposed by him to have not taken place,” reads the commentary of “Kaunas švaros”.

The company has reiterated that this is inexcusable behavior by employees, and has once again sincerely apologized and promised that it will not happen again.

“We will continue to diligently provide quality waste collection and removal services to you and your neighbors,” concludes the comment.

Who acted more shamefully?

The company’s announcement was followed by comments on Facebook. People debated who did worse: the employees who urinated or the authors of the complaint, who allegedly tried to extort “Kaunas Švara”.

More than one person asked the question, where should garbage truck drivers do their natural chores during work. The company did not comment on this, although such a question from 15min and received

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#Kaunas #švara #workers #urinating #private #plot #plant #watering #work
2024-09-09 22:55:54

What disciplinary actions ‌did Kaunas ⁢Švara take ⁤against the employees involved in the urination incident?

The Urination Incident: A Shameful Act by Kaunas Švara Employees

Recently,‍ a disturbing incident involving employees of Kaunas Švara, a Lithuanian waste management company, has sparked outrage⁢ and concern among residents of Domeikava, a suburb of⁣ Kaunas. The incident, which took place⁣ in a ‌private yard, involved employees urinating in a area where ⁣children play, sparking widespread criticism ‌and condemnation.

The⁤ Incident and the Company’s Response

According to Andrius, a resident of Domeikava, the employees of Kaunas Švara arrived in the area, got out of their vehicle,⁢ and urinated three times, leaving behind a trail of shame and‌ disgust.​ The incident was reported​ to 15min, ​a local media outlet, ⁤which then reached out to Kaunas Švara for a comment.⁣ The company​ initially apologized on ‍its Facebook account,⁤ stating that the situation was “shameful”⁣ and that⁢ the employees ⁢involved had written explanations‌ and ‍received disciplinary sanctions.

The Apology and the Fallout

Kaunas Švara assured its customers that it had apologized and‌ offered to eliminate the damage in all possible ways. However, the apology was deemed insufficient by ‍some, who ‍demanded tangible moral compensation. In fact, one resident even threatened ‌to send the photo ⁢to the media if‍ the company did not ‍provide adequate compensation.

Who Acted More Shamefully?

The‌ incident has sparked a ‍debate on‌ social media, ‌with some people arguing that the employees ‍who urinated were more shameful, while​ others believe that the authors of the complaint, who allegedly tried to extort the company, were equally to blame. The company has reiterated that the ⁣incident was inexcusable and has promised to ⁤ensure that it does not happen again.

About Kaunas Švara

Kaunas Švara, a ⁣Lithuanian waste management company, was founded in 1991‌ and has since grown to⁣ employ over 628 ‍people, with a turnover of ⁤€33.373 million in 2022 [1[1[1[1[1[1[1[1]. The company⁢ operates in ‌the Solid ⁣Waste Collection⁢ sector‌ and is headquartered in​ Kaunas, Lithuania <a href="”>[3[3[3[3[3[3[3[3].


The ‍incident involving Kaunas Švara ‍employees is a stark reminder ‍of the importance⁣ of maintaining dignity and⁣ respect in public⁣ spaces. The company’s apology and disciplinary actions are steps⁢ in the right direction, but more needs to ‍be done⁣ to ensure that such ⁤incidents ⁣do not occur in the future. As ⁣the company continues ‍to provide quality waste collection and removal services to its‍ customers, it must also ​prioritize the values of respect, dignity, and accountability.

For the title: **Kaunas Švara: A Company’s Shameful Moment and Road to Redemption**, here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions:

Kaunas Švara: A Company’s Shameful Moment and Road to Redemption

In a shocking incident, employees of Kaunas Švara, a waste management company, were caught urinating in a private yard in Domeikava, a suburb of Kaunas, Lithuania. The incident sparked outrage and shame, prompting the company to issue a public apology and take disciplinary actions against the employees involved.

The Incident

A resident of Domeikava, Andrius, witnessed the incident and reported it to 15min, a news outlet. According to Andrius, the employees urinated in a private yard, despite being in a residential area where children play. The incident was not only inappropriate but also unacceptable, given the company’s responsibility to maintain a clean environment.

Issued a Public Apology

Kaunas Švara responded promptly to the incident, issuing a public apology on its Facebook account. The company admitted that the situation was shameful and agreed that the employees’ behavior was out of line. The apology read, “We received information about such inappropriate behavior of employees immediately after the incident. “Heroes” have already written explanations and received disciplinary sanctions. They regret such hasty and thoughtless behavior and apologize to both the residents and the company’s colleagues” [[4]].

Will Not Negotiate Anymore

However, the apology was not enough to appease the community. The residents of Domeikava demanded a more tangible form of compensation, including the installation of new benches or a playground. The company’s offer to eliminate the damage was rejected, and the residents threatened to share the incident with the media if their demands were not met.

Disciplinary Actions

Kaunas Švara took disciplinary actions against the employees involved in the incident. The company did not specify the nature of the sanctions, but it was clear that the employees were held accountable for their actions.

Kaunas Švara: More than Just a Waste Management Company

Interestingly, Kaunas Švara is not just a waste management company. According to a research paper, the company is also involved in packaging waste management and has participated in projects to improve the recyclability of packaging waste in Lithuania [[1]]. Additionally, the company has been involved in legal proceedings related to public procurement contracts [[2]][[3]].

Kaunas Švara’s shameful moment served as a wake-up call for the company to re-evaluate its values and practices. The company’s



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