Shocking, Australia ‘mercury burst’, sees hottest day 50.7 degrees

On 14 Jan. 65 BBCWeather report in Onslow. a coastal city in the outback Western Australia faces the hottest days. Temperatures reached 50.7 degrees Celsius, the highest recorded temperature in Australia, equal to 1962 in South Australia.

The Bureau of Meteorology in Australia confirmed that The weather was extremely hot in Onslow at 2:26 p.m. on Jan. 13, 65, with temperatures reaching 50.7 degrees Celsius, the record set in 1962. Onslow and surrounding areas May face extremely hot weather to break records The temperature rose slightly on Friday, Jan 14.

It is reported that the weather in the city of Onslow is so hot. Occurred after a major forest fire in Western Australia last month Meanwhile, the average temperature in Onslow in the same period this year was 36.5°C.

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