Shocked the whole network: Beijing 211 University graduates starved to death in a rented house | Graduates | Apartments | Poverty Alleviation

[TheEpochTimesAugust192024](Reported by Epoch Times reporter Li Jing) A recent article has gained significant traction on Chinese social media. It detailed the story of a 33-year-old single woman who graduated from a prestigious “211” university in Beijing. Despite consistently topping the written exams for public institutions in Ningxia, she was not admitted. Eventually, she traveled alone to Xi’an to seek employment. Tragically, she was suspected of having “starved to death” in her rented apartment, and her body was discovered approximately 20 days after her passing… She had been isolated from her loved ones before her death.

The article, titled “A girl from out of town died in my rented apartment,” has garnered over 100,000 views, stirring public interest both domestically and internationally. On August 18, the WeChat public account “Zhenguan,” which had published the article, removed it. The processing instructions stated that the events described were real, and to prevent distorted interpretations and excessive speculation about the events, the article was taken down.

Intense Online Discussion: Who is Responsible for This Girl’s Death?

On August 16, the WeChat public account “Zhenguan” published the article “A girl from out of town died in my rented apartment.” This narrative was presented from the perspective of a landlord recounting the story of their deceased tenant. Through WeChat interactions with the deceased prior to her death and subsequent communications with her parents, the circumstances of the woman’s life were reconstructed.

The 33-year-old woman mentioned in the article was born in a remote mountain village in the Xihaigu area of Ningxia. With great effort, she secured admission to a distinguished “211” university in Beijing. She became a source of pride for her village and a beacon of hope for her family. After graduating from college, she faced immense pressure as she endeavored to find a job that met her and her family’s aspirations. Despite earning top ranks in the written examinations for Ningxia’s public institutions, she lacked connections and faced repeated rejections during interviews.

In April 2024, she left her hometown and relocated to Xi’an. With 10,000 yuan borrowed from her mother, she rented a small apartment in a high-rise building situated next to a busy avenue in Xi’an, living frugally on just $1.00 a day. The last time she contacted her family via WeChat was on April 20 when she needed to borrow money.

The landlord stated that the woman had not left her apartment since May 20, and there were no signs of cooking… By late June, an unpleasant odor emanated from her rented apartment. When the landlord entered the property, the body of the female tenant was discovered.

The article in question prompted numerous reposts and comments, with many readers expressing a sense of “suffocation” after reading it. People engaged in discussions about who might be responsible for this girl’s tragic fate.

Independent commentator Cai Shenkun remarked, “This is Xi Jinping’s new era, marking the third year since China declared its comprehensive poverty alleviation and progress toward a moderately prosperous society. It is shocking that a highly educated young woman starved to death in a rented apartment. This represents the realistic version of the Chinese Dream! The author and landlord of the article articulated the tragedy and her profound sadness in a poignant manner, reflecting the plight of both the living and the deceased in our country and society. How many others are still facing similar predicaments in China today? The death of this female college graduate serves as a silent indictment against this era and this regime!”

“LT Vision” expressed, “It’s challenging to determine which perspective is correct. Did she take her own life, was it a result of social imprisonment, or was it the institutional framework that led to her demise? Each perspective holds truth. I hope that individuals will draw lessons from this tragedy according to their own circumstances and experiences—perhaps prioritizing the value of life itself.”

Regarding young women hoping to alter their destinies through civil service exams, some netizens cited their own experiences, claiming that opportunities for ordinary citizens in the system have long been closed off.

“I passed the civil service exam just after graduating and chose a position in the most sought-after administrative office. It didn’t matter that I ranked first in the written test; it didn’t matter that I combined that with first place in the interview. If a position is vacant one year, they would just defer the hiring to the next year. (Content omitted) In recent years, there has been no promised opportunity for the children of the common populace. It’s like in the final years of all dynasties, where the offspring of the old nobility exponentially multiplied while the only means for the common folk to ascend was through a total overthrow.”

Many netizens working diligently in various regions resonated with the woman’s feelings but cautioned against fixating solely on the civil service exam, emphasizing that life offers numerous possibilities.

Some netizens remarked, “Just a small player in prosperous times. A victim of systemic failure. However, some criticisms are indeed valid: she should have sought work sooner instead of fixating on public exams and relying on her parents for financial support.”

According to the article, the woman “always excelled academically as a child. Everyone in the village admired her whenever she was mentioned. As the pride of her family and the village, she embodied their collective hope for a brighter future.” Her father shared with the author, “The entire family is relying on her!”

The county where the woman lived did not escape poverty until 2019. A strong preference for sons over daughters still exists, and girls who cannot pursue education may be forced into arranged marriages at a young age, perpetuating the cycle of poverty. “You can imagine the immense pressure on a girl’s life. It is this weight that drives her to be obsessed with her successes and failures,” wrote one netizen.

Due to ongoing economic downturns, the youth unemployment rate has surged in recent years, and being unemployed after graduation has become commonplace. Additionally, a 35-year-old threshold exists in the Chinese job market, making it difficult for those over 35 to find employment. While the woman’s experience in the article is an exception, it resonated with many netizens as it highlights various social realities. One netizen commented:

“I doubt anyone will remember this in two weeks. It won’t be until I face a similar situation that the memory will resurface.”

Editor in charge: Li Muen#

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The Heartbreaking Story of a Young Woman’s Struggle for Survival in China

On August 19, 2024, a harrowing story captured the attention of netizens across China and beyond. A detailed account of a 33-year-old woman, a graduate from Beijing’s prestigious “211” school, sparked discussions centered on systemic failure, societal expectations, and the personal struggles faced by many educated young individuals in contemporary China. This article sheds light on the life and tragic demise of this woman, whose story has become emblematic of wider societal issues.

Background: A Promising Start

The woman’s name, now known to many as a symbol of lost potential, represents countless individuals emerging from rural areas with dreams of personal and professional success. Raised in a poor mountain village in the Xihaigu area of Ningxia, this determined young woman excelled academically, earning herself a place at a prestigious university in Beijing—an incredible achievement that made her the pride of her village.

  • Education: Attended a “211” University in Beijing
  • Background: Hails from a rural area in Ningxia
  • Aspirations: Aims to secure a stable job that matches her qualifications

Struggles in the Job Market

After her graduation, she faced the harsh realities of the job market. Despite her impressive academic credentials—consistently ranking first in public service exams in Ningxia—she was unable to secure a position largely due to the lack of connections or “guanxi,” a concept that emphasizes the importance of personal networks in Chinese society.

Frustration led her to leave her hometown in April 2024 with a borrowed sum of 10,000 yuan from her mother, seeking employment opportunities in Xi’an. Like many young graduates, she hoped that relocating to a larger city would present her with better chances. Unfortunately, her optimistic hopes were unfulfilled, and she found herself isolated.

Living Conditions

In Xi’an, she rented a small single apartment, living a frugal life on borrowed funds. Her last contact with her family, via WeChat on April 20, involved a request for additional financial support, highlighting her desperate situation.

The Discovery of a Tragic Fate

It was not until late June, after her landlord noticed an unbearable odor emanating from her apartment, that her lifeless body was found. The circumstances surrounding her death ignited a fierce outcry online, as details surfaced revealing that she may have succumbed to starvation.

The Public Reaction: A Call for Reflection

The publication of the article titled “A girl from out of town died in my rented apartment” resulted in over 100,000 views before it was swiftly deleted by the WeChat public account “Zhenguan.” The authorities stated that the article was taken down to prevent misinterpretation and speculation surrounding the events described.

The tragic circumstances surrounding her death prompted a significant outpouring of grief and anger online. Many individuals posed poignant questions regarding societal responsibility. Was this tragic end a result of individual failings, failure of the educational and job systems, or broader societal issues?

Who is to Blame? Perspectives on the Crisis

Public commentators weighed in, highlighting the stark reality of life for many in China. As commentator Cai Shenkun noted:

“This girl with a higher education actually starved to death in a rented apartment. This is the reality version of the Chinese Dream!”

Others emphasized the grinding pressures faced by educated young adults as they navigate an increasingly competitive and often discouraging job market. Posts on social media expressed feelings of suffocation and hopelessness, resonating deeply with countless others feeling trapped within the confines of a system favoring the connected over the competent.

Reflections on Success and Failure

The narratives surrounding her death have ignited discussions about education, employment, and the pressures placed on young graduates to succeed. The disparity between perceived success—as dictated by educational attainment—and actual survival is a reality for many in China’s modern age, where economic constraints and social hierarchies play a critical role in a person’s trajectory.

The Student Debt Dilemma

The conversation around debt and financial pressure emerged as pertinent topics in light of this tragedy. Well-educated individuals drowning in debt while chasing unattainable job prospects evoke questions about the structural issues within Chinese society. Many recalled their own sacrifices.

Social Commentary and Future Implications

As netizens reflected on the article, comments highlighted the struggles of individuals from lower socio-economic backgrounds who strive to change their circumstances against systemic odds:

  • “She should have worked earlier instead of solely preparing for public exams.”
  • “An ant in the prosperous times; a victim of the system.”

The statistic regarding youth unemployment rates in China further adds context to her story. Young graduates often find themselves grappling with joblessness and stunted opportunities, despite their academic achievements. This reflects a systemic dysfunction that needs urgent attention.

A Broader Discussion: Mental Health and Societal Expectations

The impact of societal expectations on mental health should not be overlooked in discussions surrounding this tragedy. The pressure to succeed at all costs, coupled with an apparent lack of resources for mental health support, creates a precarious situation for many young individuals navigating similar paths.

Practical Tips for Those Facing Similar Challenges

For young people struggling with similar issues, here are some practical tips to consider:

  • Network Actively: Engage in networking to build personal connections that can lead to job opportunities.
  • Seek Support: Look for mental health support and counseling services that provide coping strategies.
  • Explore Diverse Opportunities: Consider alternative career paths and don’t solely focus on high-pressure public service exams.
  • Develop Financial Literacy: Educate yourself about managing finances and budgeting to avoid monetary strains.

Amid profound sorrow, the death of this young woman serves as a reminder of the urgent need for change at various levels in Chinese society. Her story resonates with many, urging a collective reflection on how institutions, communities, and individuals can work together to alleviate the burdens placed upon ambitious youth.

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