shock temperatures, here’s where. The forecast –

Alice Ancient

There is nothing else being talked about but the weather and the heat, also because according to the latest forecasts during the week of Ferragosto in Italy we will reach 40 degrees. We read on 3B meteo: “The latest modeling analyses also confirm the clear expansion of the subtropical high pressure from the weekend and into the first part of the week of August 15th”. And then: “From Saturday 10th to Tuesday 13th August, atmospheric stability with lots of sun and minimal storm activity”. Therefore, the heat will return to intensify decisively throughout Italy, with high peaks this time also in the areas north of the Po, which until today had been spared. Peaks of 37-39°C could be recorded already next weekend, but it will be between next Monday and Tuesday that the peak will be reached with peaks of 38-40°C.

Warm temperatures will also be expected in the northern regions, along the Po, and in the mountains, both in the Alps and the Apennines, with peaks of 31-32°C at 1000m, up to 27-29°C at 1500m, 24-25°C at 2000m.
Obviously, this new wave will favor a further increase in evening and night temperatures, especially in urban centers where temperatures around 29-30 ° C could still be recorded even after 10 pm. The maximum peak will be in the days between August 10 and 13, then temperatures will drop slightly, leaving us however at the mercy of a boiling August 15th.

#shock #temperatures #heres #forecast #Tempo
2024-08-10 09:52:49



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