Shining a Light: Nationwide Labor Probes Unleash Unprecedented Scrutiny

Intensive and targeted controls continues to carry out Independent Labor Inspection Authorityat the peak of the tourist season. The aim is to prevent and deal with delinquency in the labor market, the protection of employees, the consistent application of labor legislation and legislation on health and safety at work, but also the generally orderly functioning of the labor market.

In fact, according to the Labor Inspectorate, the efficiency of checks is maximized by utilizing the possibilities offered by technology, through data analysis, the Digital Work Card, permanent interconnection, even during checks and the more general digitization of processes , but also with their design based on risk analysis. In this way, the speed and reliability of the checks are enhanced.

Already, based on the annual goals that have been set, the Independent Labor Inspection Authority is carrying out, from the beginning of 2023, controls, concerning, among other things, the prevention and treatment of delinquency in the field of labor relations, including the fight against undeclared and declared work, in all branches of economic activity, with main priority in businesses and sectors with a high delinquency risk index, in businesses that have not been audited in the last three years, in those that operate on a seasonal basis, as well as in businesses to which it applies the Digital Work Card system.

Adonis Georgiadis: The increased annual target of 66,000 checks will be exceeded

Speaking to APE-MBE, the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Adonis Georgiadisestimates that the total number of inspections, which will be carried out by the Regional Directorates of Labor Relations Inspection, the Regional Directorates of Safety and Health at Work and by the Service of Special Labor Inspectors of the General Directorate of Supervision and Controls of the Labor Inspectorate, according to in the year 2023, it will exceed the initial target of 66,000 checks.

As Mr. Georgiadis mentions, “the intensification and quantitative increase of controls is reflected in the operational plan implemented for the current year by the Labor Inspectorate. At the same time, with the increased annual target of 66,000 inspections, which it seems will be exceeded, by the end of the year, the basic requirements are the quality upgrade and the implementation of targeted actions both in the area of ​​labor relations and in that of health and safety” .

“These are done by taking advantage of modern data analysis methods and the use of digital media in the field, such as online mobile devices (tablets), which are already in the hands of inspectors and act as a power multiplier” notes the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Adonis Georgiadis , in RES-MPE.

The controls

Based on latest available details of the Labor Inspectorate, from January to May 2023, were made in total 28,804 checks and were imposed 5,790 penalties and finestotaling 14,940,374 euros. Specifically, during this period, the Labor Relations Inspectorate carried out 15,495 inspections (4,247 sanctions imposed), while 11,139 inspections were carried out by the Health & Safety Inspectorate, which imposed 1,331 sanctions, and 2,170 inspections were carried out by the Special Inspectors, who imposed 212 sanctions.

As can be seen from the analysis of the data, with regard to labor relations, the types of violations that were found most frequently, from January to May 2023, are non-observance of the employer’s obligation to post the personnel tables in a prominent place in the company (number of violations: 1,406), undeclared work (number of violations: 362), refusal of entry and access, provision of data or information or provision of inaccurate information (number of violations: 301), non-payment of earnings, holiday allowances and other remuneration (number violations: 283), the time limits for the operation of businesses, employees’ work, weekly rest, holidays (number of violations: 220), road transport controls (number of violations: 100), exceeding working hours (number of violations: 99), etc.

According to the Labor Inspectorate, the inspections continue with unabated intensity in the remaining months of 2023, as, after all, happened in 2022, where a total of 65,286 inspections were carried out and 14,504 sanctions and fines were imposed, totaling 35,966,183.50 euros.

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