Shinhwa Andy announces marriage… “I have someone I want to be with for the rest of my life”[전문]

Group Shinhwa Andy is getting married.

On the 19th, Andy posted a handwritten letter on his Instagram and officially announced their marriage.

Andy said, “2022 is the 24th year since I met Shinhwa Changjo. There have been so many things that have happened over the years, but I was able to be where I am today because of the infinite love and support you have given me.

I sincerely thank you.”

He continued, “Today, I wanted to tell you this news first. I have a person I want to spend the rest of my life with. He is someone who makes me smile and cares for me a lot in my difficult moments. Now, I try to live a life together rather than alone.”

He continued, “Please bless my new start and I hope that you will be with me with a warm gaze. I will continue to show a better side of me as Shinhwa’s Andy.”

Meanwhile, Andy made his debut with Shinhwa’s 1st album ‘The Solver’ in 1998, and was loved with numerous hit songs such as ‘Brand New’, ‘Wild Eyes’, ‘This Love’, and ‘Kiss Me Like That’.

To all myth creators

Hello. Myth is Andy.

2022 is the 24th year since I met our Shinhwa Changjo as Shinhwa.

There have been as many things as the years have passed, but I have the infinite love and support you have given me.

I could be where I am today. Thank you sincerely.

Today, I wanted to tell you this news first.

I have a person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

He is someone who makes me smile and cares for me a lot in my difficult moments.

Now, I try to live a life together rather than alone.

Please bless my new start and I hope that you will join me with warm eyes.

I will continue to show a better side of myself as Shinhwa’s Andy.

[이다겸 스타투데이 기자]

Photo l Star Today DB

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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