Shingles Myths Busted: Untangling Misunderstandings, Symptoms, and Complications

2024-02-14 15:19:17
Shingles: 3 things that many people have always misunderstood.

Shingles is a disease that has been known since we were children. Because most of the time we may have seen our friends. Our relatives are Or we may have it ourselves with clearly visible symptoms, namely blisters or clear fluid inside, growing on areas of the crow’s body. Whether it’s arms, legs, face, back, or face, and may be accompanied by a fever.

Symptoms of shingles

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Symptoms of shingles begin with a burning pain in the ribcage, face, and arms. After 2-3 days, a red rash appears in the area of ​​the pain and turns into a clear blister. The rashes are usually arranged in groups or in long lines along the nerves. Normally, the rash may go away on its own within 2 weeks.

Complications of shingles

Shingles may go away on its own without much harm, but if there are complications, It may cause more harm to the body than before, such as chronic pain for another 3-12 months, bacterial infections around the eyes. Ear complications Or it can be as severe as pneumonia and meningitis that can cause death. Complications occur in up to 50 percent of patients over 50 years of age and more than 70 percent of patients over 70 years of age.

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Shingles and 3 popular things that you may have always misunderstood

1. Shingles wrapped around the waist will cause death?

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A: Not true. Shingles causes a rash on only one side of the body. But in people with low immunity The disease may spread more than usual. and risking life Especially if there are repeated symptoms of infection.

2. Have you ever had shingles? Won’t it happen once more?

Answer: Not true, although in most cases. Shingles will not recur. But if the body is in a weak state Especially in patients with low immunity. There is a chance that it will happen once more.

3. Have you ever been vaccinated once morest chickenpox? Can prevent shingles No need to revaccinate?

A. Not true. We can increase the shingles vaccine. Because although the virus that causes chickenpox And shingles is the same type. But for the shingles vaccine It is 14 times more concentrated than the chickenpox vaccine. So even though both vaccines protect the body from the same virus, But they cannot be used as substitutes.

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