Shine Bright: Harnessing the Power of Tradition to Fuel Your Journey of Progress

Original title: Spread the spirit of lighting lamps and draw strength for progress

On the first day of this year’s college entrance examination, Zhang Guimei organized candidates to return to school. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Chao

At 20:00 on September 10, the realistic drama “When Flowers Bloom in the Mountains” was launched on CCTV-1 prime time and Tencent Video. The drama is adapted from Zhang Guimei, the winner of the “July 1st Medal” and “Model of the Times”, and tells the story of Zhang Guimei’s determination to establish Huaping Girls’ Senior High School in Lijiang, Yunnan, and her selfless efforts on the education front to help high school girls from poor families in the mountains return to school and change their fate.

“When Flowers Bloom in the Mountains” is directed by Fei Zhenxiang and starred by Song Jia. In the episode aired last night, student Guyu was forced to drop out of school because her alcoholic father forced her to marry. Zhang Guimei scolded Guyu’s father and vowed to bring Guyu back to school because she firmly believed that “receiving education” was the best way for children to break free from the shackles of fate. She resolutely shuttled between the school and the mountains, pulling the dropout girls back to campus one by one and holding up the light that illuminated the way forward for them.

After watching the series, many viewers said that as a TV series with a composite theme of women and education, “When Mountain Flowers Bloom” tells the true educational story of Zhang Guimei and her students, presenting Zhang Guimei’s spirit and feelings of taking root in remote mountainous areas and cultivating morality and educating people. It allows people to see the female power with a strong core, and at the same time it can also make more people understand the valuable significance of education and inheritance, and reap a spiritual journey that is both warm and profound.

On September 10, the production special of “When the Mountain Flowers Bloom” was released simultaneously, showing the audience the efforts made by the crew in pursuing authenticity and focusing on texture. During the creative process, the main creative team consulted relevant text and video materials, went deep into Huaping Girls’ High School and other places to collect folk songs, retraced the path of Principal Zhang Guimei’s home visits, interviewed local students and teachers, and accumulated a large amount of first-hand information through field research, on which they created the story and shaped the characters. In addition, the main creative team specially selected Huaping County, Lijiang City, where the deeds took place, to shoot the story, truly presenting the original appearance of township life.

Song Jia, who is from Northeast China like Zhang Guimei, carefully studied the inner world of the character and successfully created the image of an educator who is both lovable and respectable. At the same time, the young actor who played the female high school student also deeply moved everyone present with her simple performance and sincere emotions.

As another masterpiece of educational works in the film and television drama market in recent years, “When the Mountain Flowers Bloom” has made positive explorations in achieving innovative expressions of TV dramas with main themes, striving to closely connect with young audiences and resonate with them. In the play, Principal Zhang Guimei holds up the future of the girls in the mountains with both hands, awakening their indomitable spirit and persistence. The female high school students climbed over mountains and ridges to the light, which not only showed their personal struggle, but also emphasized the power of collective cohesion. Such a passionate and inspiring group portrait of female high school students not only ignited the audience’s enthusiasm for chasing dramas, but also conveyed the tenacious, hardworking, self-reliant and self-reliant spiritual power of female high school students to more people.

As a TV series with profound realistic significance and humanistic care, “When Flowers Bloom” has attracted much attention since it was announced to be scheduled for Teachers’ Day. On September 9, as the “99 Charity Day” was upgraded to “Jiujiu Charity Festival” in its tenth year, “When Flowers Bloom” held a launching ceremony at Peking University in conjunction with Tencent Video’s OpenDay event, and by creating offline cool charity experiences and cooperating with Tencent Video’s points charity donation, it has encouraged more users to participate in charity projects to help students and children.

Yunnan Daily-Yunnan News reporter Zhang Xuefei

Edited by Xu Songqin

Editor in charge: Cloud News

For the title **”Spread the Spirit of Lighting Lamps and Draw Strength for Progress: The Inspirational Story of Zhang Guimei,”** here is a ​related question:

Spread⁤ the Spirit of Lighting Lamps and Draw Strength for Progress: The‌ Inspirational Story of Zhang Guimei

The recent launch of the realistic drama “When Flowers Bloom in the Mountains” on ‌CCTV-1 prime time and Tencent Video has brought attention to the remarkable story of Zhang Guimei,⁢ a ⁣Chinese ⁢educator ​who has dedicated her life to providing education to high school‌ girls from poor ‍families in the mountains.

Zhang Guimei, born on June ⁣15, 1957, is the founder and principal of‌ Huaping High School⁣ for⁤ Girls,‌ China’s first high school for girls from poor⁣ families in the mountains​ . Her ‌life’s ‌work is a testament to her⁢ unwavering dedication to education and her commitment to empowering ⁢young ⁤girls to break free from‍ the shackles of poverty.

The drama “When Flowers Bloom in the⁤ Mountains” tells the true story of Zhang Guimei’s selfless efforts to establish Huaping Girls’ ⁣Senior High School ​in Lijiang, Yunnan, and her​ relentless pursuit of helping high⁢ school girls from‍ poor ‌families ⁢in the mountains return to school and change their fate. The​ show is‍ directed‌ by Fei Zhenxiang and ‍stars Song ⁢Jia, who has impressively brought to​ life the character⁤ of Zhang Guimei.

In the episode aired on September 10, Zhang Guimei’s character is seen visiting student Guyu’s⁤ home, scolding her father‌ for forcing her to⁢ drop out ⁢of school to get married. ⁣Zhang Guimei’s ‌firm belief in the power of education is evident as she vows ‍to ⁣bring Guyu back ​to⁢ school,⁣ convinced that‌ it is the key to breaking free⁣ from poverty. Throughout the series, Zhang Guimei’s spirit ⁣and feelings of taking root in remote mountainous areas ‌and‍ cultivating morality and educating people are showcased,⁤ highlighting her ⁤strong core and ⁣unwavering ⁣dedication ​to her⁣ students.

The production special of “When ‍Flowers ‍Bloom in the Mountains” was released ‌simultaneously, ⁣offering ‍a behind-the-scenes look ‍at the crew’s efforts to pursue authenticity and focus on texture.‌ The creative team ⁣consulted relevant ⁢text and video materials, ‍conducted field research, and⁣ interviewed⁤ local students and teachers ⁣to⁤ accumulate a wealth of first-hand information, which was⁤ used to create ⁤the ⁣story and shape⁣ the characters.

The drama has been praised⁣ for its realistic portrayal⁣ of Zhang⁤ Guimei’s ‌story, and‍ its ⁤innovative ​approach to educational themes. It has resonated with‌ young audiences and has sparked enthusiasm⁤ for the show, while also conveying the tenacious, hardworking, self-reliant, and self-reliant spiritual ​power of female high⁣ school students.

As a TV series⁣ with profound realistic significance and humanistic care, “When Flowers Bloom” has‍ attracted widespread attention⁤ since ⁢its⁣ announcement. The show’s launch ceremony was held on September 9, coinciding‍ with the “99 Charity Day” being upgraded to ​the “Jiujiu Charity Festival” in its tenth year.

Zhang Guimei’s story is a‌ shining example of the impact one person can have on the lives of many. Her selfless dedication to education and ​her students has inspired countless people, and her spirit continues to inspire young girls to strive⁢ for a better⁢ future.




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Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title “Spread the Spirit of Lighting Lamps and Draw Strength for Progress: Celebrating the Inspiring Story of Zhang Guimei”:

Spread the Spirit of Lighting Lamps and Draw Strength for Progress: Celebrating the Inspiring Story of Zhang Guimei

As the latest drama “When Flowers Bloom in the Mountains” premieres on CCTV-1 prime time and Tencent Video, the inspiring story of Zhang Guimei, a renowned educator and recipient of the July 1 Medal, is brought to life. This realistic drama, directed by Fei Zhenxiang and starring Song Jia, tells the story of Zhang Guimei’s unwavering dedication to establishing Huaping Girls’ Senior High School in Lijiang, Yunnan, and her selfless efforts to help high school girls from poor families in the mountains return to school and change their fate[[[1]].

Zhang Guimei, a model citizen of our times, has been written into the history books as an ordinary teacher who made an extraordinary impact[[[2]]. As the founder of China’s first free public high school for girls, she has been a beacon of hope for countless young girls from rural areas, providing them with access to education and a chance to break free from the shackles of fate.

The drama “When Flowers Bloom in the Mountains” is a testament to Zhang Guimei’s spirit and feelings, showcasing her dedication to taking root in remote mountainous areas and cultivating morality and educating people. Through her story, the drama highlights the importance of education and inheritance, inspiring audiences to reap a spiritual journey that is both warm and profound.

The production special of “When the Mountain Flowers Bloom” provides a behind-the-scenes look at the crew’s efforts to pursue authenticity and focus on texture. The main creative team consulted relevant text and video materials, went deep into Huaping Girls’ High School and other places to collect folk songs, retraced the path of Principal Zhang Guimei’s home visits, interviewed local students and teachers, and accumulated a large amount of first-hand information through field research, on which they created the story and shaped the characters [[3]].

Song Jia, who plays Zhang Guimei, carefully studied the inner world of the character and successfully created the image of an educator who is both lovable and respectable. The young actor who played the female high school student also deeply moved everyone present with her simple performance and sincere emotions.

As a TV series with a composite theme of women and education, “When Mountain Flowers Bloom” has made positive explorations in achieving innovative expressions of TV dramas with main themes, striving to closely connect with the audience and inspire them to take action. Through Zhang Guimei’s story, the drama encourages viewers to spread the spirit of lighting lamps and draw strength for progress, highlighting the importance of education and its impact on breaking the cycle of poverty.

“When Flowers Bloom in the Mountains” is a heartfelt tribute to Zhang Guimei’s inspiring story, spreading a message of hope and empowerment to audiences everywhere. By sharing her story, the drama inspires us to celebrate the spirit of lighting lamps and draw strength for progress, encouraging us to make a positive impact in our communities and strive for a brighter future.







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