Comedian Shim Jin-hwa cheered for Kim Shin-young, the new MC of ‘National Singing Contest’.
On the 6th, Shim Jin-hwa posted a video and a photo on his Instagram along with the words, “Sorrow.. Tears.. Great..”
Next, he added the hashtag “National Singing Contest, MC Shin-young Kim, first opening, my younger brother, cool explosion” and showed his affection for Kim Shin-young.
The released video contains the first recorded video of Kim Shin-young as the late Song Hae’s successor MC in the KBS1 entertainment program ‘National Singing Contest’, which was held in Daegu on the 3rd.
Kim Shin-young induced the audience’s response by shouting “National! Singing pride” with a unique energetic voice, and led the atmosphere with a unique, good performance. Shim Jin-hwa cheered for Kim Shin-young’s new start and brought out her warmth.
‘National Singing Contest’ featuring Kim Shin-young will be broadcasted for the first time on October 16th. It airs every Sunday at 12:10 PM.
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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]