SHIFT projects start the summer in a feminist way – mica

2023-06-15 12:12:54

Vienna (OTS)Both the Corona crisis and rising inflation have made patriarchal dominance in our society increasingly visible and made clear the urgency of feminist concerns. In the SHIFT projects, their artistic reflection ranges from participatory workshops and performative actions to commemorative events and festivals.

Address inequalities in the culture and events industry

The Masterpiece*-Fest by Anita Tokic and Ursula Napravnik celebrates FLINTA* personalities who achieve extraordinary things for queer-feminist empowerment with concerts, DJ performances, readings and much more. The festival will be organized and artistically performed exclusively by FLINTA* people and will take place on June 24, 2023 from 3 p.m. at the Floridsdorf soccer field.

The music festival team OF/SEEMS – consisting of Regina Fisch, Mona Matbou Riahi and Katharina Fennesz – artistically deals with the gender imbalance in jazz ensembles. “Our goal is to create a fair representation of musicians in numerous ensembles and to create a festival program that makes modern jazz audible in Austria and Europe“, says Regina Fisch. The varied events of the festival will take place from June 2023 to March 2024 and invite you to be inspired by the diversity of jazz.

Breaking up traditional role models – crossing gender roles

The project The Golden Book of the art and culture association Fabrikraum invites FLINTA* people in workshops to deal with identities such as worker*, mother*, housewife* or spouse* and to explore the boundaries. “Zines” will be designed together, which will be presented in a complete publication on September 9th in the Brunnenpassage. The next workshops will take place from June 17th to 18th and from June 24th to 25th.

The social art project Mothering Communities, initiated by Barbara Mahlknecht, is dedicated to the challenges of care work and being a mother. Artistic actions in public space and a diverse program for children and adults – from workshops, talks and picnics to performances, concerts and listening sessions – invite you to listen, watch and exchange ideas together.

The central location of the project is Isabella Kohlhuber’s “Child Care Pavilion” in the garden of the Focus Research Center at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, which will open on July 6, 2023 with concerts, performances and panel discussions by and with international artists.

Actions in public space once morest violence once morest women*

Stop Femi(ni)zide from the Theater Collective Hybrid was created as a reaction to the numerous femicides in Vienna and Austria. From June 20-22 and 25, 2023, a 50-strong choir will be performing near actual crime scenes in different districts of Vienna, creating moments of public remembrance. With a petition, the theater collective calls for the introduction of a day of remembrance for the victims of femicide.

#girlsCan informs girls* and young women* regarding gender-specific violence through workshops in three Viennese youth centers and explores possible strategies for action together with them. From the contents of the workshops, the participants develop graffiti motifs that are implemented in public space. The project will be presented in the form of a short film and a zine as part of the “16 days once morest violence once morest women*” between November 25 and December 10, 2023.

In the large Viennese women’s survey ‘Vienna, as she wants’, the Viennese* wished for more time, more space and more opportunities. It is important that we stand up for equal opportunity and equality every day. The SHIFT projects make a valuable contribution here. They encourage thinking regarding and breaking with outdated role models and set an example in public space once morest violence once morest women* said Deputy Mayor and Women’s City Councilor Kathrin Gaál. SHIFT-Project manager Bettina Lauss also emphasizes the importance of the focus topic of the projects:We are proud that SHIFT, as a funding program of the City of Vienna, can contribute to making the diversity of feminist concerns visible through art and culture.

Information on all upcoming events can be found at

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