Shield of Secrecy Shattered: Former SYRIZA Insider Heads to Court Amid High-Stakes Leak Scandal

Koumundourou sources reply that the files have not been opened and that no leak has taken place. It is recalled that based on the decision of the Central Committee of the SYRIZA PS, all the candidate Presidents in order to declare their candidacy, were obliged to give their credentials, which would be made public – to be accessible to everyone – in any case in the special SYRIZA website.

“Although I have nothing to hide, but because this is a very serious leak and indeed a selective one, at an illegal time, since it does not seem that the statement about any other co-candidate was leaked before it was even checked and approved and because the leak was apparently made by the SYRIZA PS, I declare to you that I will resort to every legal means to protect my personality individually and as the President of the SYRIZA PS, the prestige of the SYRIZA PS but also the personality of the thousands of members of the SYRIZA PS”, states among other things the exodus .

Kasselakis: He is going to the Court for the leak of what he has to do with him and is asking for the resignation of Svigos

His strong reaction Stefanou Kasselakis provoked today’s “EfSyn” publication about his whereabouts, who, through his representative, calls for the immediate resignation of SYRIZA secretary Rania Svigos and announces an appeal to the Court.

In his statement, the director of the Office of Stefanos Kasselakis, Manolis Kapnisakis, characterizes as unacceptable and reprehensible the fact that the presidium of the Central Committee of SYRIZA violated the personal data of Stefanos Kasselakis, by publishing information about his whereabouts.

“It is unacceptable and reprehensible that the presidium of the Central Committee of SYRIZA violated the personal data of Stefanos Kasselakis, by publishing information about his whereabouts. This kind of leak, beyond the ethical dimension, raises serious questions about the protection of personal data and transparency, values ​​that the party is supposed to stand for.

We demand the immediate resignation of the secretary of the party, Rania Svigou, who bears the main responsibility for ensuring the protection of personal data of the candidates.
Stefanos Kasselakis is now forced to seriously consider the possibility of going to court to defend his rights.

Besides, the fact that the leak happened on the same day as the meeting of the Political Secretariat is not a random event or a simple coincidence…

It is noted that Stefanos Kasselakis filed the declaration of where he came from for the fiscal year up to 24/9/2023 (the date of acquisition of the position of President of SYRIZA), while all the other candidates filed or will file declarations for the fiscal year 2021, given that the relevant platform for the electronic submission of returns for the following years still remains closed for all liable persons.

It must also be clarified that Tyler Macbeth, even though he was not legally obliged, as in September 2023 his marriage to Stefanos Kasselakis had not yet been consummated, he nevertheless submitted an initial statement of his affiliation. If it is requested by anyone with a legal interest, it will be provided with the risk that it will also be illegally leaked.

In conclusion, and given that all the information included in Stefanos Kasselakis’ declaration of where he is from is accurate, true and fully documented by a number of documents, we would recommend to those who “invested” in the ND’s pre-election narrative about where he is from, to change course because are irreparably exposed…”.

“The Gray Zones in Pothen Esches Kasselakis”

Pothen Esshes by Stefanos Kasselakis is published today Tuesday by the “Newspaper of the Editors”. According to the publication, the 15-page document with the assets of Stefanos Kasselakis “is essentially a continuation – and a photocopy – of the corresponding document he submitted to the Parliament on June 30”.

“Why, while he submitted the complete information on June 30, did he not immediately go on the counterattack, giving his assets to the public?”, the publication states and continues: “The photocopies he sent to Koumoundourou are all the pages of the corresponding statement in Parliament;”.

With reference to the assets of his husband, Tyler Macbeth, EFSYN emphasizes: “The financial situation of his husband is listed or not in the document to Koumoundouros. It sounds like there is no information about him, although there was information about his property in the excel of Thessaloniki Tyler Macbeth.”

Income – participations

St. Kasselakis, according to EFSYN’s publication, informs SYRIZA that on December 31, 2023, his income from hired services, etc. amounted to 1.7 million dollars.

“Here, the crucial question is whether the declaration he submitted specifies the sources of income or is it simply a list of tables (as was done in the Excel of Thessaloniki). If there is no detailed information, then the jurors – whenever they deal with the matter – are sure to ask for information, in particular certificates from the tax authorities of the country in which he had developed the business activities in question during the year in question,” the publication says.

To these amounts should be added an income of 70,000 dollars from rents, and three participations in funds valued at 330,000, 1.050 million and 2.4 million respectively.
According to the publication, Stefanos Kasselakis is said to be participating in the sole proprietorship Osios, with a capital of 500,000 dollars, while at the same time there is a participation in the limited liability company Pura Vita with a capital of 15,000 euros.


Regarding the depositions, as reported by EFSYN, St. Kasselakis appears to have two accounts:

first, his own, amounting to 25,000 euros to JPMorgan

second, together with his mother, to the National Bank, amounting to 27,000 euros.

Real estate

According to the publication, regarding the properties owned by Kasselakis, until December 31, 2023, he had:

a house of 290 sq.m. on a plot of 470 sq.m. in Spetses

one floor apartment of 106 sq.m. in the New World

55 acres in New York, with a building of 360 sq.m.

a $1.6 million mortgage on a March 9, 2022, U.S. real estate purchase

As the publication states, Mr. Kasselakis appears to be stating:

$5,600 in card debt

a vehicle he acquired in the US with an $80,000 loan

a five-year-old vehicle that he acquired in Greece for 110,000 euros, of which 100,000 is a loan

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#SYRIZA #Kasselakis #trial #leak #Pothen #Esshes



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