Sherine Abdel Wahab responds to rumors of suicide: I am fine and enjoying my vacation

2023-08-04 21:42:58

Sherine Abdel Wahab responds to rumors of suicide: I am fine and enjoying my vacation

The Egyptian actress, Sherine Abdel Wahab, topped the news headlines in the last hours, after rumors spread of her attempt to commit suicide. But during a media statement issued on Friday evening, Sherine categorically denied these rumors.

And through her official account on the “X” website, “Twitter”, previously, the artist, Sherine, reassured her fans of her health. She confirmed, “She enjoys her summer vacation surrounded by her two daughters and her husband, and is currently only concerned with her interest in her art, preparing new songs, and planning concerts.”

The rumors that circulated spoke of psychological crises that Sherine had recently suffered, and raised great concern among her fans and fans. However, the Syndicate of Musical Professions headed by singer Mustafa Kamel also issued a statement denying these allegations, confirming that it had not heard of any accident related to Sherine, and that she was in good health and was preparing to perform a number of concerts.

It should be noted that Sherine Abdel Wahab had announced about five years ago previous attempts to commit suicide, and that she overcame that difficult stage with her determination and strength. Despite these difficult experiences, she did not reveal the reasons that prompted her to commit suicide during that period.

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