Sherine Abdel Wahab appears with a swollen belly at a wedding… And news of her pregnancy – (Video)

“Al-Quds Al-Arabi”: During the past hours, videos of a wedding ceremony held at the Baron Palace in Egypt and revived by artist Sherine Abdel Wahab have spread.

Sherine appeared at the ceremony with a swollen belly, which prompted many activists on social media to confirm the doubts that were raised regarding her pregnancy during her last concert in Kuwait, a news confirmed by journalist Khaled Shaheen on his private page on “Facebook”, where he wrote under the title “Take the surprise.” … Sherine is pregnant,” confirming the news of the pregnancy.

Sherine had raised doubts regarding her pregnancy following appearing in her last concert in Kuwait, in a tracksuit and significantly overweight, which her fans were not accustomed to, which prompted them to confirm the news of her pregnancy.



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