Shen Zhou: The Russian army was dumbfounded by the CCP’s high-tech adversary | Ukraine | Tactics | Network

【The Epoch Times, March 10, 2022】RussiaInvasionUkraineFor two weeks, the first week blitz didn’t work, the second week more stalled. The U.S. Department of Defense directly stated that the Russian military is facing supply problems and low morale. The Russian army failed to achieve the original combat objectives, underestimated the resistance capability of Ukraine, and failed to expect to encounter a strong high-tech opponent.The Russian army suffered a lot of losses, and the entire combat operation was disrupted;tacticsAll failed, and it is estimated that they were also dumbfounded.

The U.S. Department of Defense’s Phased Summary of the War

On March 8, the U.S. Department of Defense issued a press release, “Russiaintruder hitsUkraineRussian Invaders Crash Into Ukrainian Resistance. Almost all the Russian troops that have assembled on the Ukrainian border are inside the country, and Russian invaders continue to run into rocky resistance in Ukraine.

According to the press release, the Russian army’s progress in northern Kyiv has stalled, not near the center of Kyiv. The Russian army is trying to attack Kyiv from the east, which is estimated to be regarding 60 kilometers from the city of Kiev. In southern Ukraine, where Mariupol is “isolated” but still fighting, Russian forces are seeking to attack the port city of Odesa.

The Russian military remains strong in Ukraine, but suffers from low morale, logistical and maintenance problems. The Russian army did not expect the tenacious resistance of Ukraine, and the Russian army’s conquest was far behind schedule.

Russian long-range artillery and missiles (nearly 670 missiles have been fired at Ukraine) routinely hit civilian areas, and casualties cannot be estimated. Controversy remains over Ukraine. Almost all of the $350 million in US arms aid was delivered.

It appears that the United States has a solid grasp of the situation in Ukraine. A senior White House official also told the media that the United States would expand intelligence sharing with Ukraine. The Russian army should also realize that the US military not only provided Ukraine with intelligence and individual weapons, but also provided more high-tech equipment and means.

A map of the strategic situation in Ukraine on March 9. (think tank ISW)

Russia’s intelligence war falls

Before the Beijing Winter Olympics, the United States disclosed accurate information on the deployment of the Russian army, and then predicted that the Russian army might attack on February 16. The Russian army also engaged in a fake withdrawal, and the CCP media also promoted it in a timely manner, but the US military pointed out that the Russian army not only did not withdraw, but instead increased its troops.

Facts have proved that the Russian army’s offensive plan was accurately grasped by the US military, but the Russian army did not really grasp the intelligence of the Ukrainian army. The Russian army should be looking for the main decisive battle of the Ukrainian army, but it has never been able to capture the trace of the Ukrainian army.

Russia has a lot of military satellites, and there should also be lurking spies. They will also send scouts to go deep behind enemy lines and use drones. However, why they have not been able to grasp the movements of the Ukrainian army is still a mystery. If it is said that the Russian satellite is interfered, there is such a possibility, but Ukraine does not have such a capability; the Russian intelligence personnel are cleared in advance, and Ukraine may do it, but it should receive external help. Why did the Russian scouts lose their function? Is it because of their poor ability or they were all captured and killed by Ukraine. If this is the case, then Ukraine’s military is quite strong.

The troops sent by the Russian army to behead the Ukrainian president were seen and annihilated. Ukraine itself probably does not have such a strong intelligence capability. On the contrary, several major generals of the Russian army were killed one following another, but the Ukrainian beheading operation achieved results, and American intelligence should play a greater role.

On February 25, a CCTV report quoted Russian sources as saying that “a large number of Ukrainian troops on the front lines have withdrawn from combat posts, and the Russian troops have not encountered strong resistance.”

Judging from the information of all parties, the Ukrainian army has abandoned the border line and large-scale head-to-head confrontation, and has shrunk in depth. The Ukrainian army grasped the Russian army’s action plan earlier and formulated an effective response strategy.

On March 9, the Ukrainian army released a message that a Russian satellite navigator had been captured during the battle in Nikolaev. (Ministry of Defense of Ukraine)

Why precision strikes fail to produce enough deterrent

According to the U.S. military, Russia has launched 670 missiles of various types, which should be able to destroy key Ukrainian military facilities, such as air defense radars, communication command centers, and airports, but the actual effect is not good.

The Ukrainian army continues to shoot down Russian jet fighters, apparently not just by aiming at close range with the naked eye, or by using only shoulder-fired Stinger missiles; Ukraine also claims to have intercepted Russian missiles. This shows that the Ukrainian air defense system is not completely disabled, and the Ukrainian Air Force is also functioning.

The Russian military has failed to obtain accurate information on key Ukrainian military targets, and the accuracy of the missiles is questionable. CCTV reported, “The Russian army used the ‘Iskander’-MtacticsBallistic missiles, ‘Iskander’-K cruise missiles, Kh-101 air-launched cruise missiles and Kh-31P air-launched anti-radiation missiles”, adding that “these are the backbone equipment of the Russian army with an accuracy of within 20 meters. The ‘Iskander’ series of missiles are accurate within 5 meters”.

In actual combat, the Russian missiles sometimes deviate from the target and hit civilian areas many times. Either the guidance accuracy of the Russian missiles is poor, or they may be interfered, but Ukraine does not have this capability.

On March 9, the Ukrainian army released information that a Russian missile had been shot down near Kramatorsk. (Ministry of Defense of Ukraine)

The frequency of Russian fighter jets is limited, and they are more like carrying traditional bombs, and they have to fly at low altitudes to drop bombs before they are shot down. The British think tank even believes that the Russian army lacks precision-guided bombs, and some analysts believe that the Russian army is worried that NATO may intervene at any time, so it retains precision-guided bombs and precision missiles. If Russian satellites are really jammed, or the missiles are jammed in flight, the Russian military can only be forced to temporarily abandon the use of more precision-guided weapons.

Two weeks into the war, the scale of the Russian missile attack was not large. Compared with the Israeli missiles’ precise counterattack once morest Hezbollah, the Russian army was much inferior. If the CCP’s missile attack in the Taiwan Strait can only achieve similar results, the sea crossing operation may also be forced to suspend.

There is an IT Army of Ukraine group on social media Telegram with 302,096 registered members on March 9. (The internetscreenshot)

Information, public opinion war, the Russian army is restrained

Before the war, Russia took the lead in launching a campaign once morest UkraineThe internetattacked, but then seemed to disappear. The website of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense is operating as usual, and a large amount of battlefield information is rolled out every day. The website of the Russian Ministry of Defense has been largely unavailable for the past two weeks. The social media Telegram has a dedicated IT Army of Ukraine group with 302,096 registered members on March 9. Hackers from all over the world organize and coordinate cyber attacks once morest Russia.

Hackers can spontaneously attack Russia, but it is difficult to ensure the smooth operation of Ukraine’s networks and websites. Before Space-X provided Starlink support equipment, the Ukrainian network might function normally, and it should have been backed up long ago.

The command and communication systems of the Ukrainian army are also operating normally, and battle reports from various places can be delivered to the headquarters in time, and they will be issued following screening. After the Russian army’s offensive came to a standstill, it tried to surround Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, from the west, north and east as soon as possible. The Ukrainian army has the information and can effectively command and coordinate.

In contrast to the Russian army, the outside world almost unanimously believes that the organization is very poor, and the problem of communication equipment has also been exposed. The U.S. military and American and British think tanks have pointed out the supply problem of the Russian army almost from the very beginning. The Ukrainian army has long been instructed in tactics, and the rapid arrival of foreign volunteers in large numbers is beyond imagination, and it is estimated that the corresponding cutting-edge equipment is also in place.

On major social media, almost all the videos and pictures released by Ukraine, the propaganda of the Russian army has almost disappeared, and hackers can’t do so much.

On March 9, the Ukrainian army issued a message saying that it had thwarted the plan of the Russian army to attack the Chernihiv area, and the Russian army armored units were destroyed. (Ministry of Defense of Ukraine)

It’s not just the Ukrainian army that is resisting the Russian army

Ukraine’s resistance is unbelievable to the outside world. In addition to the fact that the Ukrainian President stayed in Kyiv to rally people’s hearts, the continuous release of the results has boosted morale. What kind of army, relying on what kind of equipment and means, played an impressive battle?

The British Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) wrote an analysis on January 21 that the delivery of anti-tank weapons to Ukraine will not change the military balance, and the Ukrainian army cannot deal with Russia’s way of war.

On January 26, the U.S. Congressional Research Service released the “Ukrainian Armed Forces Report”, describing the Ukrainian Army’s number of regarding 150,000 people. Although its capabilities and combat readiness have been improved, most of the equipment is left over from the former Soviet Union and requires additional help. protect yourself.

The two-week war has shown that Ukraine has received strong external help and made full preparations for the weaknesses of the Russian army, which successfully blocked the Russian army’s offensive and damaged the morale of the Russian army. The Russian army was forced to reassess the battlefield and adjust its operational deployment.

On February 25, CCTV reported that “The Raid on the Russian Army in Ukraine Let Us See the Following Five Tactics”. All-round assault”, “Hybrid warfare and information smoke bombs cover up the real deployment and progress”, “Early infiltrate and instigate countermeasures”. CCP military experts candidly analyze, “The Russian army has accumulated a lot of actual combat experience through the Syrian war, and at the same time continues to modernize its equipment.” The odds are slim.”

None of this happened. The CCP experts were probably dumbfounded. They used to brag regarding the Russian army and the CCP army. Now the Russian army has suffered setbacks in actual combat, and the combat power of the CCP army has shown its original shape.

On March 9, the Ukrainian army released information showing that a residential area in the center of the city of Chernihiv was hit by Russian airstrikes and that there were no military installations nearby. (Ministry of Defense of Ukraine)

next worries

Although the Russian army has suffered setbacks, its combat power should still be there. In order to maintain the second place in the world’s military power, and to gain greater bargaining chips, the attack on Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, and major cities will continue. In addition to indiscriminate bombing, think tank ISW is concerned that the Russian military may use chemical weapons.

On March 8, Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, suddenly said nonsensically, “Recently, the biological laboratories of the United States in Ukraine have indeed attracted great attention from all parties”; and said, “These biological laboratories have stored a large number of dangerous viruses. Russia is still U.S. use of these facilities for biomilitary programs was discovered during military operations.”

The CCP suddenly helped Russia to spread the “biochemical weapons” of the United States in Ukraine, which is more like making excuses for the Russian military to use chemical weapons. The Russian army is brewing a large-scale offensive, which may cause a large number of casualties among Ukrainian soldiers and civilians, forcing Ukraine to submit. Whether Ukraine can respond effectively depends on its own morale and expects to continue to receive more foreign aid, but also depends on God’s help.

The Epoch Times premieres

Responsible editor: Gao Yi#



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