Shelly N. Kumar: From Miniscreen to Bold Web Series – A Rising Star in the Entertainment Industry

2023-07-01 03:18:46

Shelley N. Kumar, who is well known to the miniscreen audience through popular serials, is an actor who has won the hearts of the audience with her single role as Usha in ‘Minnal Murali’. Even as a villain, Guru Somasundaram’s Shibu was loved by the audience because of his mad love for Usha. Shelly was nominated for Best Actress at the South Indian Movie Awards for her role in Thangameenkal. The actress has already made her debut in Telugu with the web series Shaitan. Some of Shelley’s bold scenes in the web series were also a big talk on social media. ‘Will Shelly act like this?’ Shelley wants to say that those who criticize should watch the whole of ‘Shaitaan’. Telugu film director Mahi V. Directed by Raghav, ‘Shaitan’ has been released on Hotstar in seven languages ​​including Malayalam. Shelly N. Kumar Manorama comes online with the details of Savitri, a strong woman who does not hesitate to kill and die for her children.

To Satan

I was suggested for the role of Savitri in Shaitaan by director Mahi V. Ravi is Raghav sir’s assistant director. He has seen my movie ‘Thangameenkal’. Ravi invited me to Yatra when he made the film ‘Yatra’ starring Mahi Sir Mammooka. But I couldn’t do it that day. Ravi wanted to cast me in some movie. That’s when Minnal Murali came down. Seeing me there, Ravi told Mahi sir again about me. He called me after watching ‘Minnal Murali’ and talked about this series.

When Mahi sir called me, he said that the character of Savitri has two phases in life, one as a young woman and the other as an old woman. It is the role of a mother of some older children. He asked if he was interested in doing that. I said no problem. He later said that the series had some sexual content. There are forced sex scenes. But that is very important in this series. Can’t be avoided. He also asked if it was difficult to do. I asked him back if he has faith that I can do this role and he said yes. Later, he asked how Sir intends to do this. He said that he has never taken a genre like this before, so he doesn’t know how to do it, anyway, Shelly won’t take anything to an uncomfortable position, if interested, do this role. I was very interested when I heard about the character. So I decided to do this character. Working with this team was a great experience.

Art is a medium of communication

When I first heard about this character, I imagined it. I liked that role a lot. Being a Telugu original, there was little difficulty in terms of language. When I went to the audition, I did not think that they would choose me for this role. Because when I acted, it was not right because I didn’t know the language. Yet they called me myself. None of those who played the mother and three children were Telugus. First of all, they wrote the entire script for us in English.

A month before the start of the shoot, I used to video call the associate director and ask him about my scenes. I learned all the dialogue without understanding the meaning. So when I started doing it, I didn’t feel much difficulty. All the co-stars were well behaved. Art was the medium of communication between us. Art has no language. And knowing English is fine. Everyone was very cooperative. We all knew the depth of these characters. Not only me, Lena and Manikandan Chetan from Malayalam have played very important roles in Shaitaan.

Madanapally is a beautiful inner village

The location was Madanapally on the Karnataka-Andhra border. The first fifteen days were taken to complete the first schedule. The shoot was not taking thirty to forty days at once. Sometimes he would go and shoot for four or five days and return on the same day after finishing the shoot. The shoot was from March to October 2022. Madanapalli is an inland village. It is a place where no caravan can be brought. The production team was skeptical that we would be difficult.

But we adjusted everything. They had arranged a clean toilet for women and a place to rest. They prepared everything we needed. Mahesh Babu sir’s company Three Autumn Leaves is the production team. They were ready to provide all the facilities we needed. It was a beautiful area that not many filmmakers had discovered. The villagers treated us with love and cooperation. Shaitan was done on a very professional production schedule.

This is how the sex scene was done

On the day of shooting the first sex scene in Shaitan, there was a tension about how it would be done. Then, thinking that it’s not sex, it’s not just our job, it’s our duty to do the job as beautifully as possible. When the shoot started that morning, the cameraman, the director and we discussed it. They sketch and discuss how to do this. Apart from us, only the cameraman and the focus puller were present in the room where the scene was shot.

Offtime was given to all the assistants. All the windows were closed with the light coming from the windows inside. No one else came there. They took care to make us very comfortable. Only required shots were taken. He was not forced to do anything unnecessarily. The women themselves came and helped to lift the dress a little. The saree is done up to the knee. On the sets of Mahi Sir, women were in charge of many departments. All the women were there to help us.

Only the sex scene is going viral among the Malayalis

Shaitan is releasing in seven languages ​​including Malayalam on Hotstar. But even after the release of the series, it seems that not many people have watched the entire series from Malayalam. Only the sex scenes of Shaitan are circulated here. Many people are surprised that Shelley acted like this. These are very important scenes in the story. But only the sex scenes are edited and distributed as reels here. That’s how popular the series has become.

Apart from watching the scenes, no one cares whether it is a movie or what language it is. Shaitan is a very good series, it would be better if everyone watched it in Malayalam too. Shaitaan is super hit in Telugu industry. Getting very good feedback. Hotstar gave us a grand party last week. It is said that this is the best series since they started.

Narayani’s three sons are also products of the Government of India

Two Malayalam movies are coming out. One is ‘Three Sons of Narayani’. The actors are Alencier Sir, Joju George Chetan, Suraj Ettan etc. The post production work of a film is going on. Subish is currently acting in the movie ‘Oru Bharata Sarkar Praduam’ with Subi. TV Directed by Ranjith. Whether it is a series or a movie, if we get good characters, we will do it.

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