Sheikh Tarif calls on Jumblatt to resolve internal Lebanese issues first…The latter responds: He cares about the dignity of the Druze people

2024-07-22 18:06:00

Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblatt responded to the reply he received after writing his first letter to Sheikh Muwafak Tarif.

Jumblatt said: “Your Majesty, I am very passionate about solving the crisis in Lebanon, we have the responsibility and the possibility to help them, and I share your enthusiasm, as in the affairs of the Druze Unitarians. Sects, wherever they are, should maintain dignity under the umbrella of their Arab-Islamic identity.

He added: “Perhaps it is useful to draw attention to the fact that the aggression carried out by the government of Benjamin Netanyahu in occupied Palestine is an aggression against all humanity and it affects everyone’s conscience and conscience. Humanity, all Arabs and Muslims, we and you are among them, so our position must be clear against this aggression that affects us all, but the reception that happened hurts all the monotheists in Palestine as well as the Palestinians .

“As for the custom of receiving visitors, courage is also a characteristic of members of this sect, and we know your courage in asking not to receive Netanyahu for all his crimes and to take a clear stand against his actions,” he continued. doing.

He concluded: “Allow me, with the enthusiasm you have shown for direct communication, to emphasize the need to coordinate in a way that benefits all members of the sect and does not harm any group in their sphere .

Sheikh Tarif responded to Jumblatt in a message saying: “We saw the message you spread through social media and how we wish our communications could remain private as they are today so that we The intention is to remain honest and accurate.

“We are first and foremost passionate about and fully concerned about the purity of the denomination, its Unitarian identity, its history and its future,” he added.
He continued: “As you all know, we are citizens of a democratic country. We respect its laws, the rights of its citizens, and their citizenship. Our situation is the same as that of all other Arab citizens of Israel.”

He added: “Our position on this issue is a clear and honorable position, just as we respect yours, even as we see those positions fluctuating and changing with regard to the Lebanese issue and the Lebanese component, as we have always As it has been since.

Sheikh Tarif said: “As you all know, we are not politicians and we will not change the ‘art’ according to the circumstances. We will only express the hope that the Lebanese Druze will continue to be committed to preserving their country and homeland. Just as we have done with Syria Hope for the Druze people and Druze people around the world, no matter how difficult the circumstances.

He believed that after the situation becomes easier to resolve Lebanon’s internal problems – as one of the outstanding leaders and leaders of Lebanon – we will discuss how to help the Palestinian brothers to gain their rights, build their state and give the entire bring just peace to the region.

He explained that Jumblatt knows the depth of our communication, cooperation and relationship with the Palestinian society, the legitimate leadership and the people who appreciate and respect the sect, and there is no doubt that we personally appreciate and respect the sect. sect.

He added: “We live in freedom and respect, we fear no one and we will not hesitate to take any position for the good of the sect. Our honorable and clear positions and principles are well known. Regardless. We will not accept compromise from anyone, near or far.

He noted that the country’s Druze community is represented in parliament and has heads of parliament and municipalities who fulfill their political obligations towards the community and its rights without hesitation or fear.

He concluded: “It is our custom to receive and respect those who visit us in the interest of the sect and its rights, whoever he may be, and we will not change our customs, and this is the trust we place in them .

#Sheikh #Tarif #calls #Jumblatt #resolve #internal #Lebanese #issues #first…The #responds #cares #dignity #Druze #people



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