She was saved by the chivalry of the Egyptians.. The girl Rokia received an injection for spinal atrophy

After her story aroused the sympathy of many on social media, as well as many public figures and artists, The girl, Ruqayya, who has a story of treatment for spinal muscular atrophy, received an expensive injection sponsored by the Egyptian donations.

Her family announced that their daughter had received an injection for her treatment, which arrived from abroad, after collecting about 45 million pounds, the value of the injection from the donors.

Nourhan Abdel Hamid, Ruqayya’s mother, said: “Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. Roqaya was injected with ZolgenSma and is still in isolationWe would like to reassure everyone that, thank God, she is in good health.”

The Egyptian girl Ruqayya with her mother

The most expensive gift in the world

And Ruqayya’s mother continued: “Thank you to everyone who participated and helped our daughter and gave her on her birthday the most expensive gift in the world, and I hope Roqaya remains the beginning of a new door of hope for all children with spinal muscular atrophy. water, and some medicines.

Regarding the health condition of the girl Ruqayya, her father explained that she is relatively stable, but she currently suffers from weak immunity, which prevents her from mixing with others at the present time.

The value of donations to save the girl Roqaya, whose story occupied public opinion, amounted to more than 45 million pounds, exceeding the target amount estimated at 40 million pounds, with the aim of treating Roqaya from spinal muscular atrophy and giving her the “Zolganzma” injection, which is the only treatment in the world for her condition.

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