“She throws me on the sofa and hits me on the head… she hits me on the shoulder…”

The nightmarish moments experienced by a 38-year-old woman in Ilia, at the hands of her estranged husband, she describes and shocks, as her estranged husband began to beat her in front of their children, inside their home.

According to STAR, it all started when the 50-year-old went to pick up the children from the victim’s house last Monday.

Suddenly he entered the house and asked to get a mirror, but also other things. He then punched the woman, with their daughter stepping in to stop him.

“He left the mirror on the couch and he grabs me and throws me on the couch and hits me on the head, on the left side. He was hitting me on the shoulder… I still have… I think I have memory loss too, I mean that’s how it looks to me from all the shock… The kid came in. He pulled him out. “What are you doing?, he was shouting like that… I was shocked. I was shocked and he tells me that there are bedside tables in the house to give them to him and if I don’t, to keep them for my money,” the woman described to the Star.

After the incident, the victim ended up in the hospital for tests. As he said, he had problems with the 50-year-old in the past and had reported him again.

After the episode, the two ex-spouses faced each other in court. A temporary decision was issued for the 50-year-old not to approach her and not to communicate with her even through third parties.

#throws #sofa #hits #head.. #hits #shoulder..



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