She stopped eating only two things… A fast-acting diet. Maha Ahmed lost 50 kilos within weeks… A shock after her appearance with remarkable grace, and this is what she used to do daily.!!

The artist, Maha Ahmed, became famous as Kabuza due to her extra weight and confirmed that since her birth she goes to doctors to lose weight, which caused her to have a friendship relationship with all doctors in this field.

Maha Ahmed surprised her fans recently, by losing a lot of extra kilograms, and appearing gracefully and thinly, which impressed the audience.

Maha explained that her husband, the artist Magdy Kamel, was joking with her, saying, “I close my eyes and open them to find me thin.”

But at the time she contracted a program in order to present it, she lost a lot of weight, and she abstained from eating rice, pasta, sugar and bread for more than a year and a half, which caused her to lose weight.

At the time, her husband asked her to regain her extra weight, especially since he loved her in this appearance, and she also suffered from severe anemia and severe tremors, and a blood transfusion was required.

Maha said that she owns a library of diet and diet advice, and owns many papers on diets, after she became an encyclopedia in the matter.
The diet of the artist Maha Ahmed, who lost 50 kilos in 4 months:

Day 1: Fruits are eaten only during this day and in any quantities, excluding one fruit, which is bananas, taking into account the variety of fruits and drinking a large amount of water.

The second day: During this day, vegetables are eaten only and in any quantities and without exception. Only raw and boiled vegetables are eaten, and none of the vegetables is excluded from this, taking into account the intake of a large amount of water, not less than 8 cups during the day.

Third day: Vegetables and fruits are eaten, provided that one is during the morning and the other during the evening, except for potatoes and bananas, which are prohibited during the third day, and do not forget to drink water.

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Fourth day: On the fourth day, it is considered the most severe of the first four days in the diet, during which 10 bananas and three cups of milk are eaten at the rate of a cup of milk instead of each meal, provided that a banana is eaten with a cup of milk in the early morning,

And two bananas at noon, and two bananas with a glass of milk as a substitute for lunch, three bananas after the afternoon and then as a substitute for dinner, two bananas and a cup of milk and water is indispensable in the same quantities that we mentioned during the previous days.

Fifth day: On which rice is eaten for the first time, he eats a cup of rice during the lunch period, and during the rest of the day he eats tomatoes only, and he eats about 7 grains during the whole day.

The sixth day of the artist Maha Ahmed’s diet: during which vegetables are eaten throughout the day, but he eats a cup of rice for lunch, and do not forget the water in an amount of 8 to 12 cups.

The seventh and last day: during which fruits are eaten throughout the day, but with a cup of rice with lunch, during which sugar-free fruit juice is allowed.

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