She slipped in her house.. Sherine injured the cruciate ligament

got hurt Egyptian actress Sherine Abdel Wahab She was injured in the cruciate ligament, after she stumbled inside her house and fell to the ground, and she was taken to the hospital, and after rumors were made, it was confirmed that she had a cruciate ligament rupture that requires urgent surgery.

Mimi Fouad, director of the artist’s business, Sherine, stated that “the Egyptian star was injured by the cruciate ligament, due to slipping of her feet while she was at home, and she took some radiological pictures that confirmed her injury,” asking her fans and fans to pray for her, according to what was reported by the Egyptian newspaper “Al-Watan”.

Sources also mentioned that Sherine Abdel Wahab is working to complete her travel procedures abroad as soon as possible, as she is scheduled to travel within a few hours or days to perform urgent surgery for a cruciate ligament injury. Sherine was stressed not to over-move until the travel procedures were completed.

It is noteworthy that the injury came to the owner of “Kolla Jerena” at a time when she was preparing for a new artistic start after years of absence from the artistic community, and she also closed the door to crises with her ex-husband Hossam Habib. declaring reconciliation in their mutual issues.

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