She loses 6 kg thanks to the 80/20 diet

The régime 80/20 consists in juggling between balanced dishes and pleasures. It will be regarding eating healthy 80% of the time and to be done pleasure the remaining 20%, or regarding two meals a week. The idea is to eat healthy without undergoing frustration.

A American 33 years old comes from bear witness regarding this regime which would have allowed him to shed 6 kg. Divya Rallabhandi was not overweight at 60 kilos, however, she presented with abdominal fat that she wanted to get rid of. Indeed, abdominal fat is known to be risky for health by increasing the risk of cancercardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

Divya Rallabhandi has therefore decided to follow the 80/20 diet. A few months later, she managed to get rid of excess fat and slim her abdomen. She now weighs 54.4 kgshe confides to our colleagues from Daily Mail.

The 80/20 diet doesn’t involve counting calories

“I had too many bad habits like beer and pizza,” she said. NOW, I only enjoy myself occasionallyonce every two months or so – and I don’t even feel like it anymore”.

The 80/20 diet is effective because it is not a diet per se. It does not involve counting calories or cutting out foods. It simply consists of rebalance your diet and make the right choices more often.

The young woman thus replaced pizzas and beers with fruits, nuts and lots of vegetables.

Meanwhile, Divya Rallabhandi said she trains five days a week, “which includes 45 minutes of cardio low intensity like walking, then some weight training.” “I train my upper body three days per weekthen I do abs and lower body the other days,” she continued. “I think the most important thing is to be consistent and find a program that you really enjoy doing.”

80/20 diet: how does it work?

Under the 80/20 plan, no food is forbidden. For 80% of your meals, just make sure your meals consist of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, because all of these nutrients are essential for the proper functioning of your body. bet on fruits, vegetables, fish, eggs, vegetable proteins, whole grains, legumes… It is also important to give preference to home-cooked dishes over nearby dishes.

For the remaining 20% ​​of your meals, treat yourself. During these two meals per week (which can be lunch or snack), treat yourself to foods you love : charcuterie, cake, meat with cream… Remaining however reasonable on the quantities.

Instructions in pictures if you want to follow the advice of Divya Rallabhandi.

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