She did cardio every day for 30 days, and here are the results of her impressive challenge!

2024-08-23 15:00:40

We’re not going to lie, cardio is often viewed as a chore…which is probably why most people don’t achieve their goals 2.5 hours of physical activity per week is recommended.

This is the case for Makari, a passionate and lively YouTuber who, based on this observation, decided to take on a daring challenge: do cardio every day for 30 days.

What is his goal?

See if this habit improves his mood, his health, and his outlook on exercise. The result is a gripping adventure filled with twists, lessons, and surprises.

his machiavelli plan

Whoever can do more can do less: here’s Makari’s complete weekly training plan!

Makari began his challenge with apparent determination: If the World Health Organization’s recommendations called for 300 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise or 60 minutes of weight training, In addition to bodybuilding training, she decided to participate in all 3 training And a big stretching session once a week.

This definitely makes for a busy project, but is balanced with an average of an hour of exercise per day.

This ambitious program not only aims to test one’s physical endurance, but also explores different forms of exercise to make aerobic exercise more enjoyable.

A tough start…

Test virtual memory
His initial VMA test (retested on a treadmill) resulted in good results for his age.

The first days were difficult. From the beginning, Makari realized the magnitude of the challenge he faced.

“This is a terrible idea,” she said after three minutes of exercising on the stairs.

However, she persevered, finding new motivation to continue with each session.

She tests herself, surprises herself, and learns to enjoy the process despite some moments of doubt.

She used the challenge to conduct her first VO2 max test in order to track the evolution of this data…

On the importance of finding fun in exercise

Aerobic exercise level list
After testing 20 aerobic exercises, here’s the young woman’s “tier list.” Obviously, these are his tastes, it’s up to you to test them!

If you want to know what is the best aerobic exercise Lose weight/burn calories/stay healthy : You are totally wrong!

An important lesson from this experience is that enjoyment is crucial to sustaining daily movement.

“The best workout is the one you love,” the YouTuber recalls. Our heroine didn’t hold back when it came to finding her favorite thing!

Makari explores a variety of aerobics: pickleball, hiking, aqua fitness, running, dancing, and even paintball!

She finds some activities, such as water aerobics, to be very rewarding and fun, while others, such as paintball, are intense but may not be suitable for her.

His preferences: Pilates, yoga, running, walking (with a friend, a good podcast or a dog), aqua fitness, dance classes (especially jazz moves) or spinning, golf, pole dancing or even tennis.

Your Power Rise: Benefits of Aerobics

As the weeks passed, Makary began to feel the benefits of her daily commitment.

His stamina increased, she feels more energeticshe began to really enjoy running, an activity she had not particularly enjoyed before.

A key moment in her evolution was when she realized that running, once a chore, became a pleasure.

She described the moment as “ laxative”, an emotional release that inspired her to continue.

What can we learn from this 30-day cardio challenge?

In addition to his physical improvements, Makari also learned important life lessons from the experience.

She learned that the key to incorporating movement into your daily life is to choose activities that you enjoy.

She also emphasized The importance of recovery and hydrationand these elements are crucial to maintaining continued daily movement.

Makari realized by the end of her challenge that not only was she Reach new levels of fitness, But she also developed a new relationship with movement.

Remember his original VO2Max test result was 33.76? 30 days later, the young woman Improved his score to 37.37thus entering the category ” Excellent« .

She is now confident she can maintain the habit after the 30-day challenge.

Should you go the same route?

Makari’s experience shows that it’s possible to turn drudgery into joy, As long as we find an activity that works for us.

His story is an inspiration to anyone looking to get in shape or improve their physical condition.

This challenge is not just a challenge of muscles and sweat, but also a challenge of self-discovery and transcending personal limits.

So why not try doing cardio every day for 30 days?

Maybe you’ll find, like Makari, that the joy of exercise can change your daily life, making you happier and healthier.

sport-cat-date-updated">Quentin Update:August 23, 2024

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