She deceived the expectations of people: what did Orbakaite, who supported Pugachev, do

Julia Raevskaya

23 minutes ago

Christina Orbakaite

Kristina Orbakaite has been constantly walking on the edge lately, fans say. They are convinced that by not actively supporting the disgraced mother and stepfather and not speaking out on political topics, the artist is doing things that negatively affect her reputation.

Children should not pay for the sins of their parents, otherwise no one would touch Orbakaite. However, the singer really began to get into stupid situations with enviable frequency, after which both fans and enemies scold her. There are enough of the latter among the star party.

So, for example, a few months ago, Orbakaite and Nikolaev were accused of allegedly appearing on stage in the colors of the Ukrainian flag. And this is at the same time when Christina’s stepfather Maxim Galkin, recognized as a foreign agent in the Russian Federation, travels the world and supports an unfriendly state. True, it is worth noting that the whole scandal happened due to the fact that Orbakaite on that ill-fated day was in a yellow dress, and Nikolaev’s suit shone blue in the light … However, after the hype that broke out, even some stars spoke out against Christina. Moreover, the artist still supports her mother. For example, puts likes on Pugacheva’s social networks.

Now Orbakaite has given rise to gossip by not appearing at the premiere of the film “Love-carrot. Rise of the Machines”. For many, the release of the picture was an event. So, the on-screen husband of Christina Gosha Kutsenko not only appeared at the appointed time on the red carpet, but also for the first time brought out his younger daughters from his second wife. But Orbakaite, whom everyone was waiting for, found more important things for herself.

“Tours, tight schedule,” the organizers explained the absence of the artist at the event. And they added, apparently, just in case, that there is no political background in this story. However, this is hard to believe. After all, if you rely on the information of the source, the last concert as part of a large tour at Orbakaite was held on March 9 in Omsk. So far, no new performances are expected from the daughter of Pugacheva. Orbakaite herself did not bring clarity to the situation.

“Dear friends, today is the premiere of Love-Carrot. Rise of the Machines”. But I, unfortunately, cannot be with my group, with my colleagues, with my film husband Gosha because of my busy schedule. But my soul is with the team, my soul is with you, ”the star explained in her Instagram.

No matter how this situation is resolved, one thing is for sure: Orbakaite deceived people’s expectations. And it’s not even about the fans. The fact is that in most cases, stars are required to appear on the red carpet before film premieres to promote the picture. It remains to be hoped that Christina had a really serious reason to ignore the release of the film “Carrot Love”.

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