Shattered United Front: NR Election Survey Exposes Coalition Cracks

In a Gallup poll published on Thursday, the so-called “sugar” coalition received the most support at 26 percent. The second most popular option would be a collaboration between the FPÖ with Herbert Kickl and ÖVP, which 24 percent support. The desire for turquoise-red-green (14 percent) or blue-turquoise without kick (12 percent) is significantly lower.

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According to the representative online survey carried out at the beginning of October (1,000 respondents aged 16 and over), more than half of those eligible to vote – 54 percent to be precise – are dissatisfied with the election results. A majority of 51 percent would like to see the ÖVP under Karl Nehammer in the future government, 41 percent want to see the SPÖ govern with Andreas Babler and 38 percent want the FPÖ to govern with Herbert Kickl.



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