Shattered Lives: The Heart-Wrenching Toll of U.S. Weaponry in Palestinian Massacres

Illustration. (Dok Al-Jazeera)

ACCORDING to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), between 2019-2023, around 69% of Israel’s foreign-sourced weapons came from the United States (US).

Under a 10-year agreement signed in 2016 between Israel and the US as part of a Memorandum of Understanding, the US provides Israel with US$38 billion in annual military aid, a US$33 billion grant to purchase military equipment, and US$5 billion for a missile defense system.

Although the US has approved more than 100 separate military sales to Israel since October 7, only a few of them have been disclosed.

These US-supplied weapons have been used in Israel’s deadliest attacks on the Gaza Strip, Palestine. Here are some of them.

1. Rafah Tent Massacre.

The Israeli massacre took place on May 26, 2024. At least 45 people were killed and more than 200 were injured.

The camp for internally displaced people was attacked and tents burned. The deaths were caused by US-made GBU-39 ammunition.

Also read: Countries that Suspend and Continue Arms Exports to Israel

2. Attack on the UN-run Al-Sardi school.

The Israeli attack took place on June 6, 2024. At least 40 people were killed in an Israeli airstrike on a UNRWA-run school for refugees in the Nuseirat camp. A US-made GBU-39 missile was used.

3. Al-Tabeen school attack.

Israeli attack on August 10, 2024. At least 100 people were killed during morning prayers at a school, Al-Daraj neighborhood. US-supplied GBU-39 small-diameter bombs were used.

4. Al-Mawasi massacre.

The Israeli massacre took place on September 10, 2024. At least 40 Palestinians were killed and dozens more were injured.

The refugee camp in Khan Younis was designated by Israel as a humanitarian zone for civilians displaced in Gaza. Three 900 kg US-made MK-84 bombs were dropped. (Z-2)

#Massacres #Palestinian #People #Israel #Weapons

What bombs does Israel use ​in Gaza

The Deadly​ Alliance:‌ US-Supplied Weapons⁤ Used in Israel’s Attacks on ‍Palestine

The ‍recent attacks⁤ on Palestine by Israel have left a trail of devastation and death, with the world ‌questioning ‍the⁢ role ‍of the United ‌States in⁣ supplying weapons to Israel. According to⁤ the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute⁢ (SIPRI), between ⁣2019-2023, ‌a staggering 69%⁢ of Israel’s ‍foreign-sourced weapons came from the‌ United States ​ [[3]]. This significant military ‌aid has enabled Israel to carry out deadly⁤ attacks on the Gaza Strip, resulting in the loss of countless lives and displacement of many more.

The $38 Billion Military​ Aid Package

In 2016, the ‌US signed a​ 10-year Memorandum of Understanding with Israel, ⁢committing to provide $38 billion in ‌annual‌ military ​aid, a $33 billion grant to purchase military equipment,​ and $5 billion for a missile defense ‍system. This massive aid package has made the US Israel’s biggest ally and weapons supplier [[1]]. The⁣ approval⁤ of over 100 separate military sales to Israel⁤ since October 7, 2024, further reinforces the ⁢US’s commitment to supporting Israel’s military endeavors, despite only a few⁢ of ​these sales⁣ being ​disclosed.

Rafah ⁣Tent Massacre ⁢and ⁣Attack ⁢on UN-Run Al-Sardi ⁣School

Two of the most recent and devastating attacks on Palestine were the Rafah Tent Massacre and the attack on the UN-run Al-Sardi school.⁢ On May 26, 2024,‍ the ‌Israeli military attacked a camp for internally displaced people, killing at least 45⁣ people and injuring over 200. The camp’s tents were set ablaze,​ and the deaths were caused by US-made GBU-39 ammunition ⁢ [[2]].

Just over a week later, on June ‍6,​ 2024, an Israeli airstrike ‍hit ‍a UNRWA-run school for refugees in the Nuseirat camp, killing at least 40 people. A US-made​ GBU-39 missile was used in this ⁢attack, highlighting the deadly ‌consequences of US military aid to⁢ Israel.

Tacit Support for Israel’s ⁤Military Actions

The question on everyone’s mind is whether the US’s approval of massive military ‌aid⁢ packages and ‍weapons sales to‍ Israel amounts to tacit support for its military actions. The answer,⁣ unfortunately, seems to be‌ yes. Despite ‍occasional pauses in heavy weapons shipments, the US has consistently ‌supported Israel’s military endeavors, even when ⁣they result in ​devastating losses for the Palestinian⁤ people [[2]].


The recent attacks on Palestine by Israel, enabled by US-supplied weapons, have ‍resulted in unimaginable human suffering. It is essential to acknowledge the role ⁣of the US in ‍perpetuating this cycle of violence and to demand accountability from both nations. The international community must come together to condemn the use of​ military force against civilians and to support the Palestinian⁤ people’s right to self-determination. Only then can we hope to bring about a‌ lasting peace ⁢in the region.





Who owned the land first Israel or Palestine

The Devastating Consequences of US-Supplied Weapons in Israel’s Attacks on Palestine

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine has led to devastating consequences, with innocent lives lost and communities shattered. A significant contributor to these tragic events is the supply of weapons from the United States to Israel. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), between 2019-2023, a staggering 69% of Israel’s foreign-sourced weapons came from the US [[1]].

The 10-Year Agreement Between the US and Israel

In 2016, the US and Israel signed a 10-year Memorandum of Understanding, committing the US to provide Israel with $38 billion in annual military aid, a $33 billion grant to purchase military equipment, and $5 billion for a missile defense system [[2]]. This agreement has enabled Israel to maintain a significant military advantage in the region, further exacerbating the power imbalance between Israel and Palestine.

The Supply of US-Made Weapons

The US has approved over 100 separate military sales to Israel since October 7, although only a few have been publicly disclosed [[3]]. These US-supplied weapons have been used in Israel’s deadliest attacks on the Gaza Strip, Palestine, resulting in numerous civilian casualties and widespread destruction.

Four Notorious Massacres of Palestinian People by Israel with US Weapons

  1. Rafah Tent Massacre

On May 26, 2024, at least 45 people were killed, and over 200 were injured in an Israeli attack on a camp for internally displaced people in Rafah. The camp was attacked, and tents were burned, with the deaths caused by US-made GBU-39 ammunition.

  1. Attack on the UN-Run Al-Sardi School

On June 6, 2024, at least 40 people were killed in an Israeli airstrike on a UNRWA-run school for refugees in the Nuseirat camp. A US-made GBU-39 missile was used in the attack.

  1. Al-Tabeen School Attack

On August 10, 2024, at least 100 people were killed during morning prayers at a school in the Al-Daraj neighborhood. US-supplied GBU-39 small-diameter bombs were used in the attack.

  1. Al-Mawasi Massacre

On September 12, 2024, another Israeli massacre took place, resulting in the loss of numerous lives and further devastation.

The Lethal Consequences of US-Supplied Weapons

The use of US-made GBU-39 ammunition and missiles in these attacks has led to catastrophic consequences, with entire families and communities torn apart. The international community must condemn these atrocities and call for an immediate halt to the supply of weapons that perpetuate these devastating attacks.

A Call to Action

In light of these tragic events, it is imperative that nations around the world take a stand against the supply of weapons that are used to perpetuate violence and destruction. The US, as a major supplier of weapons to Israel, must reevaluate its foreign policy and consider the devastating consequences of its actions. The international community must also hold Israel accountable for its actions and work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

Only through collective action and a commitment to human rights can we hope to bring an end to the cycle of violence and bloodshed that has plagued the region for far too long.







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