Sharon Verzeni murder, “serious evidence of guilt”. Plot twist, there is an arrest –

Rita Cavallaro

Breakthrough in the murder of Sharon Verzeni, the 33-year-old killed in Terno d’Isola on July 30. The Carabinieri, coordinated by the Bergamo Prosecutor’s Office, have identified, at the end of complex and laborious investigations, the suspect in the crime. It is the man who was fleeing at full speed on his bicycle in the wrong direction. The arrested man is a thirty-one-year-old Italian, unemployed, whose identity the investigators traced thanks to the video surveillance systems of the municipality of Terno d’Isola.

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The subsequent uninterrupted investigations, with the videos sifted through and the hearing of other people filmed by the cameras in the vicinity of the crime scene, have allowed the investigators to collect, against the cyclist, evidence such as to ascertain that he was indeed the alleged perpetrator of the murder in question. The serious indications of guilt have convinced the prosecutor to issue a warrant of arrest for a suspect, recognizing the danger of repetition of the crime, of concealment of evidence, as well as the danger of escape. The details of the motive and of the fatal attack on Sharon, who was massacred with four stab wounds, will be revealed in a press conference to be held at 12.

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#Sharon #Verzeni #murder #evidence #guilt #Plot #twist #arrest #Tempo
2024-08-30 13:24:15



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