Sharon Verzeni, combing manholes and stream to find the weapon. Metal detectors in the field –

Over 120 uncovered manholes, gardens, parks and even a part of the dry bed of the Buliga stream searched inch by inch, but still nothing particularly significant has emerged from the first day of searches that took place in Terno d’Isola, in the province of Bergamo, with the aim of finding the murder weapon or other evidence useful in solving the mystery of the murder of Sharon Verzeni, which took place almost a month ago, but still without an official suspect or a motive. “Tired, but motivated” were the only words addressed to reporters at the end of the day by Paolo ‘Gibba’ Campanardi, an expert searcher for war devices who, with his group of volunteers from Mu.Re. – the Recovering Museum 1915-1918 in Toscolano Maderno – supported the Carabinieri in their search activities. ‘Armed’ with metal detectors, magnets and rakes, the Mu.Re. team It started at 7 in the morning with the inspection of the manholes, gardens and hedges of the houses on one side of via Castegnate – where Verzeni was stabbed on the night between 29 and 30 July – and its side streets, also passing through a public park and the courtyard of a school until arriving in piazza VII Martiri.

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The search continued in Via Mercato and Via Don Rota up to the banks of the Buniga stream, a few hundred meters from the crime scene. This area, which is not covered by cameras, could have been used as an escape route by the killer, who could have also thrown the knife used to kill the woman into the thick vegetation. The various phases of the inspection were followed with curiosity, but also concern by the residents of the town where Sharon lived with her partner Sergio Ruocco. “Terno d’Isola is a quiet town, there are no violent citizens here, it is a lively town and at this moment it is suffering from a situation that does not belong to it”, said the mayor Gianluca Sala who arrived on site in the afternoon. “This morning the search began, as planned, it was intense work: they opened several manholes and everything they found is kept strictly confidential. This park could be an escape point for the potential killer. I don’t know if they found anything but I can’t add anything, even if I did know”, added the mayor, who with a special order closed the streets involved in the investigation to vehicular traffic. The search in the victim’s town will start again early tomorrow morning, to complete the other side of via Castegnate.

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On the investigation front, conducted by the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Bergamo and coordinated by the prosecutor Emanuele Marchisio, the ‘Johnny Depp lookalike’, Fabio Delmiglio, was reported for personal aiding and abetting. On August 24, the 50-year-old actor from Brembate di Sopra was interviewed by the military of the Investigative Unit of Bergamo, to whom he had reported that he had been approached by Sharon Verzeni at the end of July while he was inside the Vanilla bar in Brembate – where the 33-year-old worked as a waitress – and that he had started an exchange of messages with her for work reasons via a social network. Pressed by the investigators, Delmiglio admitted the falsity of his statements, confessing that he had made it all up in the hope of a possible return of visibility.

#Sharon #Verzeni #combing #manholes #stream #find #weapon #Metal #detectors #field #Tempo
2024-08-29 00:20:09



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