Sharon Stone: Trump should be in prison for the rest of his life

Donald Trump should “sit in prison for the rest of his life,” Stone told the German Press Agency in Berlin. “Don’t let him out,” said the 65-year-old, referring to numerous allegations and proceedings once morest Trump. The actress sharply criticized politics. For many years there have been politicians “who have suppressed the education of the masses.” People therefore “do not have enough education to understand that some politicians manipulate, exploit and steal from them,” said the actress.

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From Stone’s perspective, there is a lack of “thoughtful, intellectual political leaders” who know how to calm the population in times of crisis. “Well, now we have these characters who are very narcissistic and are trying to cause chaos, cause wars, bring governments to a standstill.” All of this is based on “individual and personal avarice, greed and, in my opinion, a high level of lack of integrity.”

Sharon Stone became world famous over 30 years ago with her role in the erotic thriller “Basic Instinct”, followed by films such as “Casino”, “Catwoman” and “The Disaster Artist”. Her art exhibition “Totem” celebrated its European premiere in Berlin-Mitte on Saturday, and her paintings can be seen in the Deschler Gallery until May 18th.

Today, Monday, the actress is taking part in this year’s “Cinema for Peace” gala in Berlin. In the run-up to the gala, Stone and US politician Hillary Clinton will appear at the Theater des Westens, where the Scorsese classic “Casino” will also be shown.


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