“Sharjah Safari” Best Feature Documentary Film at the New York Film Festival

In its first participation in international festivals and competitions, the documentary film “Sharjah Safari” won the Best Feature Documentary Award and the New York International Film Awards trophy in the United States of America, which is documented by the famous international film site IMDB.

The film, which was produced by the Sharjah Radio and Television Authority in partnership with the Sharjah Government Media Office, and in cooperation with the Environment and Nature Reserves Authority, won the festival award following it competed with a group of works of various kinds, including long and short documentaries, dramatic texts and others.

The festival, which was established four years ago, is held on a monthly basis, and presents live performances with the aim of supporting filmmakers by promoting their distinguished works, while the jury awards prizes for the best participating films, and a selection of winning works is shown monthly to the public at the famous “Crane” theater in New York.

The documentary film “Sharjah Safari” reviews the stages of the project’s construction, from the beginning of planning and design, through the implementation and close follow-up of His Highness Sheikh Dr. Outside the African continent, in the “Bardy” reserve in the city of Al-Dhaid.

The film includes interviews with a group of specialists and experts in the field of biology and veterinary science, in addition to the engineers and technicians working on the project.

The audience can watch the film “Sharjah Safari” through the “Maraya” application of the Sharjah Broadcasting and Television Authority on various phones and tablets.

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