Sharing the Joy: The Day I Posted My Baby’s First Photo at Just Two Weeks Old

I still distinctly remember actually feeling like I was a little late. It was as if I felt that I owed it to the outside world to tell her that she had come into the world.

Before the birth, my boyfriend and I had had long conversations about whether we should even share pictures of our daughter online. He was clearly reluctant and thought we should be very careful. I understood his concerns, but honestly also thought it was a bit over the top.

It somehow felt unnatural not to show off our daughter when she takes up so much of our lives. It seems almost strange that my digital presence should leave such a large part of my life.

Today my daughter is two, and after 15 years of pretty much everything being shared and documented online, there has been a backlash.

Parents are beginning to question the consequences of sharing their children’s photos on social media. It is a healthy development that is supported by experts and authorities’ recommendations.

Actress Marie Knudsen Fogh is one of the parents who has chosen not to share pictures of her daughter. She fears not only how her daughter will feel about these images in the future, but also how big tech companies like Meta can exploit and misuse data.

– If something is free, then you are the product, she says in the interview with Nordjyske and hits the nail on the head.

The reality is that our photos no longer belong to us when we share them on the social platforms.

Influencer Liv Martine Niemann Hansen has close to 160,000 followers on Instagram – and she has made a similar decision. She has chosen not to share pictures of her children, although her followers are used to getting an insight into almost every aspect of her life.

For her, it is, among other things, about the people sitting behind the screens on the other side – and their intentions.

Although it has become popular to leave the children on social media, a large part of us still do it. And now we are faced with a dilemma: Should we stop sharing? Should we take the step further and try to remove the traces we have already left? Can we even delete them completely?

At Børns Vilkår, the recommendation is that we as parents should make sure that our children understand what it means to be shared online before we share pictures of them. It is a difficult task when children do not yet have the necessary understanding of the long-term consequences. And do we adults even have that?

But in the end, it is us as parents who must make the choice – and later be accountable for the choices we make.

I’m still in doubt about what I’m doing myself now.

When you hear the arguments against sharing photos, it can seem foolish to do so. But on the other hand, I want to show the whole world how wonderful my daughter is.

Should I rush to erase – as best as I can now – the traces of my daughter online? Or should I continue with a critical look at what I share of her?

These are questions I think we should all take seriously.

Because even though for 15 years we have been used to sharing our lives without thought, we cannot ignore the growing concerns about how our choices today will affect our children in the future.

This is a leader. It was written by a member of our board of directors and expresses Nordjutske’s position.

2024-09-14 19:02:04
#daughter #days #shared #photo #social #media #concern #growing

What are the potential⁢ risks of sharing ⁤children’s photos on social media?

The Dilemma of Sharing Children’s Photos Online: A Growing Concern for‌ Parents

As a parent, sharing⁢ photos of your⁤ child on social media can be a natural instinct, a way to showcase their milestones and share joyful moments⁤ with friends and family. However, with growing concerns about online privacy, data exploitation, and the long-term consequences of‌ digital footprints, many parents are now questioning the ⁤wisdom of sharing their children’s photos online.

The Lure of Social Media

For many of ‍us, social media has become an integral part ‌of our lives.⁣ We use⁣ platforms like Facebook,⁣ Instagram,​ and Twitter to share updates,⁤ connect with others, and document our ‍experiences.⁣ When we become parents, it’s only natural to want to share ‍our children’s photos and milestones with ⁣our online community. After all, our children are a‍ significant⁣ part of our lives, and it can feel unnatural ‌to leave them ​out of⁤ our digital ⁢presence.

Rethinking the Consequences

However, as more and more parents are discovering, sharing children’s photos online can have unintended⁤ consequences. For one, these photos⁢ become the property of the social media platforms, which can use them to collect ⁤data and ⁣target advertisements. Moreover, once shared, it can be difficult to erase these photos from the internet, leaving a permanent‍ digital footprint that can‌ be ⁣accessed by strangers.

Expert Concerns and⁣ Recommendations

Experts and authorities are now cautioning parents about the risks of sharing ‍children’s photos online. Organizations like Børns Vilkår recommend that⁢ parents ensure their children understand the implications of⁤ online sharing​ before posting photos of them. However, this can be a challenging task, as children may not fully comprehend the long-term consequences ‍of their online presence. Ultimately,‌ it is ⁢up to parents⁤ to ​make​ informed decisions about what they share online and to be accountable for their choices.

Influencers and Celebrities Take a Stand

In recent times, ‌some high-profile parents, such as actress Marie Knudsen Fogh and influencer Liv Martine Niemann Hansen, have chosen not ‌to share photos of their children online. They cite concerns about data ⁣exploitation, privacy, and the potential impact on their ⁤children’s future well-being. Their decisions have sparked ⁢a wider conversation about the ⁤ethics of sharing children’s photos online and the importance of protecting their digital privacy.

A Dilemma for⁣ Parents

So, what should parents do? Should they stop sharing photos of their‌ children ⁣online, or try to remove the traces they’ve already left? The answer is not ​straightforward. While it’s essential to be mindful of the potential risks, ‍sharing photos can also be a way to connect with others, preserve memories, and celebrate milestones. Ultimately, parents must weigh the pros and cons and​ make an informed decision that works for​ them and their children.

Taking a Critical Approach

As parents, it’s essential⁢ to approach online sharing with a critical eye. Here are some tips to consider:

Be mindful of the platforms you use and their data collection practices.

Consider setting boundaries around what​ you share and with whom you share it.

Talk to your children about online privacy and the implications of sharing their photos.

Regularly review and update ⁣your social media settings to ensure ⁤you’re comfortable with ‍the level of sharing.


The decision to share children’s photos online is a complex one,⁣ and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. As parents, we must be ⁢aware of the potential ⁤risks and take steps to protect our children’s digital privacy. By being informed, critical, and mindful of our online presence, we⁤ can make choices that work for us and our families, ⁣while also⁣ preparing our children for a future where digital literacy and ‌online responsibility are essential skills.

Keywords: online privacy, children’s​ photos, social media, data exploitation, digital ‌footprint, parental ​responsibility, online sharing, digital literacy.

What are the potential risks of sharing photos of my child on social media?

The Dilemma of Sharing Childhood Online: A Parent’s Conundrum

As a parent, sharing milestones and special moments of your child’s life on social media can be a natural instinct. However, with growing concerns about online privacy, data protection, and the potential long-term consequences of sharing childhood online, many parents are now questioning their actions.

The Urge to Share

When my daughter was born, I felt an overwhelming urge to share the news and photos with the world. It seemed unnatural not to document and share her growth and development, especially since social media had become an integral part of our lives. My boyfriend and I had discussed the pros and cons of sharing our daughter’s photos online, but I had underestimated the potential risks and consequences.

The Backlash

Fast forward to today, and the tide is changing. Parents are becoming more cautious and aware of the potential risks of sharing their children’s photos online. Actress Marie Knudsen Fogh has chosen not to share pictures of her daughter, citing concerns about tech companies exploiting and misusing data. Influencer Liv Martine Niemann Hansen has also made a similar decision, despite having a large following on Instagram.

The Consequences of Sharing

The reality is that once we share our photos on social media, we no longer have control over them. Tech companies like Meta can use our data and photos for their own benefit, often without our knowledge or consent. Moreover, sharing our children’s photos online can have long-term consequences for their privacy, identity, and self-esteem.

The Dilemma

So, what’s a parent to do? Should we stop sharing altogether, or take a more critical approach to what we share online? Børns Vilkår recommends that parents ensure their children understand the implications of online sharing before posting photos of them. However, this can be a challenging task, especially when children are too young to comprehend the long-term consequences.

TheDifficult Decision

As a parent, I am still grappling with these questions. On one hand, I want to show the world how wonderful my daughter is, but on the other hand, I am aware of the potential risks and consequences. Should I erase her online presence, or continue to share her milestones with caution and awareness?

The Need for Awareness

The debate around sharing childhood online is an important one, and it’s essential that we, as parents, take it seriously. We cannot ignore the growing concerns about data protection, online privacy, and the potential long-term consequences of our actions. By being more mindful and critical of our online sharing habits, we can ensure a safer and more protected online environment for our children.

The Takeaway

sharing childhood online is a complex issue that requires careful consideration and attention. As parents, we have a responsibility to protect our children’s privacy and online identity, and it’s essential that we take this responsibility seriously. By being more aware of the potential risks and consequences, we can make informed decisions about what we share online and take steps to protect our children’s digital footprint.

Optimized Keywords: sharing childhood online, social media, data protection, online privacy, parenting, children’s online safety, digital footprint.

Meta Description: The dilemma of sharing childhood online: Should parents stop sharing photos of their kids on social media? We explore the concerns, consequences, and responsibilities involved



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