Shanghai Real Estate Nightmare: Chinese Woman’s Struggle to Obtain Keys to $11.83M Apartment

2023-12-22 11:44:28

I bought a two-bedroom apartment on the top floor in Shanghai for NT$11.83 million. The picture shows the appearance of the house. (Photo/Taken from “Xinmin Evening News”)

According to the “Xinmin Evening News” report, a Chinese woman bought a house in Shanghai three years ago. Although she had paid all the fees, she was unable to get the keys to the house. It turned out that the original landlord was holding on because she had nowhere to go. . After the court learned of the situation, it did not immediately forcibly evict him. Instead, it first arranged a nursing home for the old man. Unexpectedly, he was unwilling to move out afterwards, and finally had to take back the house through legal means.

In order to allow her son to attend a good school, Ms. Dang spent approximately NT$11.83 million in 2021 to buy a two-bedroom house on the top floor. However, she had not moved into the house until 2023 because the 60-year-old original landlord Li Jinlong was unable to live with her family. Leave and refuse to move on the grounds that you have no place to live. This made her angrily say: “How can you be such a rogue?” She had to rent another house to live in and also had to pay off the mortgage. This situation made her miserable.

The original landlord, Li Jinlong, said that his cousin borrowed money and asked him to be the guarantee. After believing the slander, Li Jinlong used his own house as a guarantee. As a result, his relatives ran away due to debts and the house was sealed by a court outside the city. At that time, he heard that the court-mandated auction was far lower than the market price, so Li Jinlong found an agent to sell the house on his own. The auction price was about NT$12.66 million. Finally, he agreed to sell the house for NT$10.91 million. When Ms. Dang wanted to sign, Li Jinlong jumped the price, and finally The transaction was completed at NT$11.83 million. Afterwards, Li Jinlong claimed that “the agent promised him to find him a place to live.” However, since he did not know which agent guaranteed him, he believed that Ms. Dang should be responsible for this and find a place for him to live, otherwise he would Not handing over the room.

Ms. Dang angrily complained about her experience and questioned where the remaining money went after the old man owed money. (Photo/Taken from “Xinmin Evening News”)

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Executive Judge Wu Bo asked, “The original debt was 4.36 million yuan, and the house was sold for 11.83 million yuan. After the debt was paid off, where did the remaining money go?” Ms. Dang believed that the original landlord had been holding on for more than two years, and the total amount was The 430,000 yuan in rent owed to her should be deducted from this money. The court found that Li Jinlong was not young and had just been discharged from the hospital after a stroke. He was still living on subsistence allowances and subsidies. Because he was not directly forced to move out, he was instead looking for a suitable nursing home for him to live in his later years. The household appliances in the house were also left behind, allowing Ms. Dang to subsidize him another 80,000 yuan.

Finally, five months later, Wu Bo found a nursing home that met Li Jinlong’s conditions. Not only was the cost not high, but it was also not far from his sister. After calling to inform him, Li Jinlong refused to go. He also added: “Go and live in a nursing home.” , the subsistence allowance money is all spent.” Later, he refused to answer the phone. In response to this situation, the court eventually took legal proceedings to forcefully vacate the house and pack the contents. In May this year, Ms. Dang finally got her house keys back. Once this matter was exposed, many netizens thought, “He should have been let go on the first execution”, “Finally there is a way to deal with the old man! The judge did a good job”, and “The buyer is really very educated.”

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