Shanghai nucleic acid point was smashed and posted on the hot search. Netizens were arrested: strong man | CCP evil government | CCP cleared | Normalized nucleic acid testing

Beijing time:2022-06-04 05:07

[NTDTV, Beijing time, June 04, 2022]After the brutal closure of the city, the CCP’s “”Normalized nucleic acid detection“It sparked public outrage. Shanghai citizens smashedNucleic acid detection pointnews on BaiduHot search, netizens called him “strong man”. Shanghai state media later reported that the man had been detained.

On June 3, “A nucleic acid point in Shanghai was smashed, and the man involved was punished” on BaiduHot search. Chinese netizens took the opportunity to talk regarding their experiences, and denounced the frequent nucleic acid tests for “tortured into insanity.” The man who smashed the test point has also won many praises, and was called “strong man”, “hero”, “hero” and so on by netizens.

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The news that the Shanghai testing point was smashed had already spread on June 1. Netizens broke the news that at a testing point on Ningxia Road in Putuo District, people lined up for more than two hours, and were suddenly told that “the tube is gone, so I can’t do it.” Angry residents smashed the testing site. The whistleblower also posted pictures of the scene following the detection point was smashed.

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Many netizens expressed sympathy for the residents who smashed the testing sites: “What is the Shanghai government doing? I don’t understand the configuration of nucleic acid sampling sites. It is unreasonable for a testing site to line up for such a long time.” go away, go away,Nucleic acid detection pointGetting off work at 6 means they can’t go anywhere else to test, which means they won’t be able to go to work tomorrow to make money.”

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On June 3, Shanghai’s official media “Morning News” confirmed the above information, and said that the man who did it had been given an administrative punishment by the public security for so-called “picking quarrels and provoking trouble.”

The official media blamed the public for the cause of the incident, claiming that “the surrounding masses gathered here” resulting in “overloaded demand for nucleic acid testing.” The residents of the neighborhood committee informed the people behind to stop queuing, and a resident angrily threw the surrounding barricades at the inspection point and overturned the table at the inspection point.

The official media’s explanation has attracted a lot of scolding from netizens.

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The CCP implements the so-called “Normalized nucleic acid detection”, policies have been introduced in various places, forcing citizens to show a negative nucleic acid certificate within 48 hours or 72 hours when taking public transportation, entering and leaving public places, going to work, and going to school, resulting in people struggling to maintain the timeliness of nucleic acid. This policy was criticized as a city closure Another “anti-epidemic tyranny” followed.

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“Normalized nucleic acid testing” has caused public grievances to boil over. Netizens vented their anger in various ways. On June 2, “#Henan Nucleic Acid Sampling House Design was Tucao#” also appeared on the Weibo hot search list. Netizens expressed their dissatisfaction with the CCP’s policies by criticizing the unreasonable design of the sampling house.

(Comprehensive report by reporter Jing Zhongming/responsible editor: Xu Gengwen)

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