“Shameful Stop to Arms Sales” –

A “shameful” decision. That’s how Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the announcement by British Foreign Secretary David Lammy that the United Kingdom has suspended 30 licenses for arms exports to Israel.

Shameful Support for Hamas. Netanyahu Against Strike

“This shameful decision will not change Israel’s determination to defeat Hamas, a genocidal terrorist organization that brutally murdered 1,200 people on October 7, including 14 British citizens,” the Israeli prime minister said on social media X, highlighting how, in the hands of Hamas, there are still “over 100 hostages, including 5 British citizens”. “Instead of standing with Israel, another democracy defending itself from barbarism, Britain’s wrong decision will only embolden Hamas,” added Netanyahu, according to whom “with or without British weapons, Israel will win this war and secure our common future”.

#Shameful #Stop #Arms #Sales #Tempo
2024-09-04 11:15:25



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