Shakira and the humiliations that she does not forgive Clara Chía; Piqué ‘would not be’ involved


Despite the criticism of the Colombian for her way of breaking up, the humiliation by the Catalan’s girlfriend would be one more reason for her relief.


The break between the ex-soccer player Gerard Piqué and the Colombian singer Shakira has been one of the most commented on in recent months, due to an unforgivable infidelity on the part of the Catalan, who left him in a very bad light for having let a ‘wolf’ go for a woman half his age, the Spanish Clara Chía Marti, with whom he is in a relationship today.

In the midst of the boom that this image took, the debates on digital platforms continued by those who criticize it for “not turning” the page and “overcoming” the love break following the latest musical themes —I congratulate you, Monotonía, Music Sessions Vol.53 and TQG— which include, directly or indirectly, darts once morest Piqué and Clara Chía.

But, without a doubt, despite the healing process that the Colombian woman has had to go through, the web portal new womanhas made known some of the humiliations that perhaps, At the time, Shakira lived for the exposure of the romance between the couple and that “she does not forgive” Clara.

He “was” in your house and invaded your home

A controversial video from 2021 in which a woman was seen in her house, while Shakira was absent, would have been the key test to demonstrate the athlete’s link with the 23-year-old, even when he was in relation to the Colombian.

He hid his deceit, even following meeting her

Besides, The portal pointed out that the public relations officer had an approach with the Barranquillera, asking her to take a picture at that time. However, this information has not been verified so far, leaving it up in the air if it was a gesture of admiration or “cynicism”, as he insinuated. new woman.

A romance that was known just months following their breakup

Shakira and Piqué announced their love break and just a few months later, the new couple was already showing off their romance through the streets of Barcelona, ​​without any fear of the comments that might be generated at that moment, without knowing that everything would end in a media issue. .

He was at the house of Shakira’s ex-in-laws

Clara has visited Piqué’s parents on several occasions, Montserrat Bernabeu and Joan Piqué Rovira, who are neighbors of the Colombian singer, so, according to Nueva Mujer, from her balcony it is possible to see what is happening in the house of the grandparents of their children.

In fact, previously Shakira placed a witch in her window, precisely in the place that overlooks the house of her ex-in-laws, due to the bad relationship that exists between them, because for the 46-year-old diva, Piqué’s mother was a “silent accomplice” of a infidelity.

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